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วันจันทร์ที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Green Acres is the Place to Be (Your Guide to Purchasing a Green-Built Home)

For today's sophisticated homebuyers, things like clawfoot tubs, pedestal sinks, beadboard trim and wide rocking chair porches are the coolest. There's just something about the character of houses built almost a century ago that draws people to them like magnets. As for the day-to-day maintenance of those homes, however, only 21st century state-of-the-art will do, thank you. Most want a home that looks charming, but that also functions well - where they can live comfortably, aesthetically and affordably and, where they can live - well, 'green'.

Increasing interest and demand for green living has been fueled by economic and environmental concerns. But how do we evaluate eco-friendly design? Green building is still relatively new, and the majority don't know how it can positively affect their lives or their homes. Nearly everyone wants a green home, but few know the first thing about how to find and evaluate one. That is until now.

First it is important to note that a green-built home is built like every other home. The difference is that the builder has taken extra precaution to use sustainable materials and techniques that improve the air quality inside of the home and that reduce the amount of energy required to operate the home. The builder also takes steps to ensure that the home contributes positively to the outdoors environment.

Arts and Crafts

Atlanta's artsy Reynoldstown neighborhood is home to an eclectic mix of Bungalows, Shotguns, Craftsman Cottages, Lofts and Moderns, Reynoldstown now boasts a growing population of certified green homes as new construction replaces some of the older inventory.

Bungalows are so interesting and you can have loads of fun with them. The Art Deco movement inspired bold colors and inventive design like tall baseboards, tall doors, decorative molding and picture perfect baths. In fact, the Bungalow's inherent design makes it naturally suited for green building. Let's take a walk through a typical energy efficient construction and identify the features we should look for when shopping for a green-built home.

Size Matters

One of the best ways to reduce a home's energy consumption is to reduce its size. So, one simple thing you can do, if you want to live greener is to look for a smaller house. Just think about it - smaller homes use less of everything. If enough thought is put into a home's planning and design, then a smaller home can look and feel more spacious than it actually is. And sure, you get a little less space. But you gain that back in efficient use of each room, utility savings, comfort, charm and aesthetic appeal.

Healthy Air in There

All open air spaces from the tiniest to the obvious should be sealed, as even the tiniest of air leaks can cause more damage than you know. Sealing areas like windows, doors, plumbing fixtures, attics, floors, walls, light fixtures and outlets will tighten the building envelope, reduce energy consumption and keep out the bad air. More importantly, it keeps out the bugs. The ladies of the home will appreciate that.

Be wary, if you walk into a house and see wall-to-wall carpeting, as carpet tends to trap dust mites. If a house has carpeting installed, it does not necessarily mean it is not a green-built house, because builders have a right to choose which green features to incorporate into their design. There are different levels of green building. Just remember that if a home has carpeting, you are going to have more dust to contend with and that will likewise reduce the air quality inside of your home.

Though it won't be obvious to the eye, you should always ask what type of paint was used on the walls. You want a non-toxic paint where no chemicals were used. Paint made with no volatile organic compounds (no VOC) or low VOC works best.

Another feature that will improve a home's air quality and create a healthier living environment is having a detached garage. People don't realize that by purchasing a home with a garage that is detached from the house, you avoid possible exhaust emissions that can enter the home from the garage and contaminate the air you breathe in your home.

One of the most impressive green features a home can have is a product called Techshield, which looks like an ordinary piece of plywood with aluminum foil on one side. This plywood is called OSB board, which is an engineered wood panel. The aluminum side provides a radiant barrier which is laid along the roof line. It is designed to reflect the sun's warmth and thereby reduces the amount of natural sun heat entering the home. It will certainly keep the living areas cooler and the HVAC costs lower, and should save the homeowner hundreds of dollars in Atlanta's sweltering summers.

In fact, you may not need to turn the air conditioning on at all during some of the summer days. That's how good it is. On a performance scale, it definitely gets an A+ and a letter of referral.

Buyers hoping to invest in a green home should also look for things like a wood burning fireplace which can be used to cost-effectively heat the home during the winter months. Other basic items which will help you operate your home more efficiently are ceiling fans, compact fluorescent lights, low flow faucets and shower heads, low flush toilets, programmable thermostats, insulation on pipes leading to the hot water heater (or a tankless water heater), a heat pump or other high efficiency system, higher than normal insulation in the attic and laundry room, as well as in the ceiling, floor and wall cavities, and low E windows and doors.

Also, be sure to ask what the home's HERS Rating is. HERS stands for Home Energy Rating System. It is determined after an analysis of the home's construction plans and on-site inspections, and after tests for leakiness in the ducts and leakiness in the home are conducted. Each point below 100 scored by the home corresponds to a 1% reduction in energy consumption. A HERS rating of 76 means the house is 24% more efficient than the standard HERS reference home.

Exterior Green Benefits

Living green means choosing a healthier lifestyle. That means the eco-friendly benefits of your home do not stop at the back door. They carry on outdoors. If a home is Intown, and close to a variety of amenities - libraries, parks and other entertainment - and it has the advantage of easy access to the expressway and all parts of the city - and if it's walk-friendly - close to dining and public transit - then the home provides extra green benefits. Exterior green points are awarded, because it saves the homeowner the cost of gas and reduces environmental emissions. The more places you can walk to from your home, the better.

Use It Again

If the yard has a smaller footprint than what you would typically find, there is less grass to cut and less water needed to make the landscaping thrive. By recycling leftover materials on site during the construction process, the home reduces waste, enriches the soil and sends a lot less to the landfills.

Take Our Word For It

All green homes will not contain each and every one of these items. As mentioned earlier, builders have the right to choose which green items they will incorporate into a home's design. But if a home is truly green, it will contain a good number of these items. Some homes will even contain much more extensive greening like solar panels, geothermal energy, and even green rooftops. There are many more green features to choose from depending on how far up the green tree (and money tree) you want to travel.

Any home constructed according to Energy Star guidelines and certified by independent third party inspection and testing programs like Earthcraft House or LEEDS will provide the homeowner with immediate savings. Reduced energy bills and water savings are a doubly attractive benefit for home buyers in today's economy.

If you are not certain whether or not a home meets the official green test, be sure to ask to see the stamp of approval from a third party certification program like EARTHCRAFT House or LEEDS. They have already done the work for you and determined that the home in question is certified green.

The next time you go looking at homes, take this checklist with you. If you are lucky enough to find a place that attracts your eye and fits your needs, and it also happens to be green built, snatch it up and be proud to call it 'home'. As an extra bonus, you will enjoy substantial energy and utility savings and will also enjoy a healthier daily living environment. Be prepared to pay a little bit extra up front for your green home. There are some added costs involved in making a home energy efficient. But those costs are mitigated by utility savings, energy tax credits, and fewer visits to the doctor. In the long run - you win!

garden sundials

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

February Thoughts

February 1

"Our brothers have made us lose heart. They say,`The people are stronger and taller than we are...'" (Deuteronomy 1:28). What a pity that our brethren put stumbling-blocks in the way by discouraging us with goblins of fear, guilt, inferiority and hate. God sent His Son to deliver us from these evils. Now we must go on to our new and heavier responsibilities with courage. We must not pay attention to those who would melt our hearts by "saying"--by criticizing and downgrading--and thereby making the downhearted to fall. The one who discourages is like a black cloud with no silver lining. The Christian who knows God knows better.

February 2

Art Buchwald told the story of the Hollywood producer who loved to collect rare books and loved to tell about it, too. His friends, tired of bent ears, hired an actor to tell the producer that he had an old German Bible. The collector asked him who printed it, and the actor replied, "`Guten' something." The stunned producer said, "Guntenberg?" "Yes, that sounds like it." The producer screamed, "Let's go, we'll hire a plane!" The actor replied, "It can't be worth anything. Someone named Martin Luther scribbled all over it." Are we making our Bibles worthwhile for others by notating what is precious to us?

February 3

Ambition is fine if it is headed in the right direction, but aspiration without inspiration can literally kill us. We should hope for a better life, but be willing to work for it, too. "Hope is the sunshine of the heart; and those young people who begin life with a free gratification of wants and a full sense of prosperity lose the fine relish that comes with each new and hard-earned indulgence, and the delight of adding to another's pleasure by self-sacrifice and renunciation. They may well be pitied for not knowing the enjoyment of gradual progress through their own power of perseverance" (George S. Hillard).

February 4

"He leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul" (Psalm 23:2b). This jewel of a psalm has calmed countless hearts. It is beside the still waters where the Holy Spirit meets His saints, not in the winds and waters of strife. He cannot lead us to the placid waters if we are rushing ahead of Him. We must take the time to be led to the peaceful morning hours with Him. This is when He prepares our hearts for the struggles of the day. This is where the success is won before the campaign is engaged: in prayer, seeking our guidance for the day. Then let us rest awhile by the still waters of His gentleness and affection, His joy and peace.

February 5

This humorous story whittles us to our befitting size: A young woodpecker felt quite energetic one morning, and he decided to start the day by pecking at a giant oak tree. He pecked away and was making a minuscule dent when a flash of lightening split the tree from top to bottom. The bird rushed out from under the wreckage, looked up at what the lightening left of the tree, and whispered in awe, "Gracious! I didn't even know my own strength!" It might help to get away from the trees and see the forest to get a better perspective on what God has done for us--and what we can't do for ourselves!

February 6

We have heard many times that overdone expression, "It's a great life if you don't weaken." Words that come to mind are endurance and steadfastness and unwavering. "...We consider blessed those who have persevered" (James 5:11a). The outstanding example of fortitude is Job, even though he understandably went through a period of peevishness. Actually Job was not so patient as he was persevering. He was afflicted with a variety of intense griefs and yet could still bless God and go on. The most effective way to endure the ills that beset all is to look to the end of them, for "This, too, shall pass." At the time it may not seem so, but God is going to wipe away all tears (Revelation 21:4).

February 7

"When he drank some of its wine, [Noah] became drunk and lay uncovered inside his tent" (Genesis 9:21). Abraham passed off his wife as his sister--twice--and he rationalized that it was true, for Sarah was his half-sister; he also gave in to Sarah's plea for a child through her maid. David, "the man anointed by the God of Jacob" (2 Samuel 23:1), the beloved of God, fell to the depths and committed just about every sin in the Book. But God forgave them--and He forgives us.

February 8

How the heart yearns for quietness and harmony! We are drowning in din. We are bombarded with rock music and loud ads and obnoxious TV programs with their senseless laugh tracks. The stupidity is appalling. "Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while..." (Isaiah 26:20). The Word asks us to pray for those in authority that the rest of us may lead tranquil and quiet lives in godliness and dignity (1 Timothy 2:1,2). Our guarantee is in Isaiah 30:15: "In quietness and trust is your strength." God is the author of peace, not confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33).

February 9

"So live, that when thy summons comes to join/The innumerable caravan, which moves/To that mysterious realm, where each shall take/His chamber in the silent halls of death,/Thou go not, like the quarry-slave at night,/Scourged to his dungeon, but, sustained and soothed/By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave,/Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch/About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams." (Thanatopsis, William Cullen Bryant). How shall we then live?

February 10

Abraham Lincoln said, "My concern is not whether God is on our side; my great concern is to be on God's side." In 2 Corinthians 4:8 Paul tells us, "We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed..." It is because Paul is on God's side that he can declare such peace of mind when troubles press in from all sides. Lincoln knew that we need only to be on God's side--to know and to do His will--and then we need not worry about God being on anyone's side. After all, God is the Father of us all. He loves all equally and is impartial, which means He is just. That takes care of our need for man's justice, for we have God's truth.

February 11

God means for us to be active. It is against the nature God gave us for us to seek ease and the easy way out. "The only thing in which we can be said to have any property are our actions. Our thoughts may be bad, yet produce no poison; they may be good, yet produce no fruit. Our riches may be taken away by misfortune, our reputation by malice, our spirits by calamity, our health by disease, our friends by death. But our actions must follow us beyond the grave; with respect to them alone, we cannot say that we shall carry nothing with us when we die, neither that we shall go naked out of the world" (Colton).

February 12

The disciples of Jesus progressed from common men into uncommon revolutionists who changed hearts and attitudes. When we envy others their success, or seeming success, let us think of this small band of men who Jesus chose to be His first pupils. And let us remember that these His followers thought Jesus had failed when He was raised up on the cross. But O! that glorious testimony of the Son of Man, "But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all...to myself" (John 12:32). In the lifting of that cross from earth to heaven is the accomplishment and vindication for us all. From that seeming greatest defeat of all came the consecrated and perfect success for humanity. Thank You, Jesus!

February 13

"God does not comfort us to make us comfortable, but to make us comforters" (Dr. Jowett). When we look back on our times of trouble we know that God uplifted us. What He gave was strength as well as consolation. His comfort is not a sedative to desensitize but a brace to fortify our spirit so we might then share courage with others in their time of distress. The cup of grief is full for our friend, and our tenderness is sorely needed, but with that compassion we can tell our friend about His Passion, and thereby help that person to see a reason to live through his or her sorrow.

February 14

Our present generation (and probably every generation) disdains rules. Some have complained that it cramps their style and makes them feel hemmed in. Wilbur Chapman sums it up it for the Christian: "The rule that governs my life is this: Anything that dims my vision of Christ, or takes away my taste for Bible study, or cramps my prayer life, or makes Christian work difficult, it is wrong for me, and I must, as a Christian, turn away from it." Jesus sums it up ultimately: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart...You shall love your neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:30,31). This sums up our rules for life.

February 15

"For Christ's sake..." We cringe when we hear it used wrongfully but in prayer what a splendid purpose it has. "For Christ's sake" we are to forgive one another (Ephesians 4:32); serve one another (2 Corinthians 4:5); accept our weaknesses and difficulties (2 Corinthians 12:10); pray for each other (Romans 2:3); and be fools for His sake (1 Corinthians 4:10). God has mercies for our sakes: "For the sake of ten I will not destroy [Sodom]" (Genesis 18:32). Man pleads in His name: "For the sake of your name, O Lord, forgive my iniquity, though it is great" (Psalm 25:11). Too, we will be hated of men for His name's sake (Matthew 10:22).

February 16

Arthur M. Moore, in his book, The Mighty Savior, relates the following: "I heard of a boy converted at a revival meeting...who had to leave next day to work three months in a tough labor camp. The people of the church were anxious about him lest he go down there and lose his experience and fail to give his testimony. So they had daily prayer meetings for him until he returned. `How did you get along? How did they treat you?' they asked. `Fine,' he replied. `My associates never found out.'" Was this young man a void page? "You are our letter...known and read of all men..." (2 Corinthians 3:3 ).

February 17

We have heard the phrase, "We are our own worst enemy." Let's rephrase that to, "We are our own best friend." Of course the Christian knows that Jesus is his or her very best Friend, but it might make us feel better, when others disown us for a time, to know that we are friends with ourselves. Abe Lincoln said, "I desire so to conduct the affairs of this administration that if at the end, when I have come to lay down the reins of power, I have lost every other friend on earth, I shall at least have one friend left, and that friend shall be down inside of me." If we stay friends to our principles, then we can remain friends with ourselves.

February 18

"Our youths love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for their elders, and have to chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when their elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up their food, and tyrannize their teachers" (Socrates, 400 B.C.). Doesn't this sound familiar? Apparently human behavior is consistent through the centuries. But our God tells us that He wants to give us a new character; He wants to give us a heart of flesh and take away our hard heart (Ezekiel 36:26).

February 19

A lady realized that her fears were running and ruining her life so she made for herself a "worry table" in which she tabulated all her anxieties. She came up with the following figures: 40%--will never happen because fear is the result of a tired mind; 30%--about old decisions which I cannot alter; 12%--others' criticisms about me, most untrue, made by people who feel inferior; 10%--about my health, which gets worse as I worry; 8%--"legitimate," since life does have some real problems to meet. (From Thomas S. Kepler, Jesus' Spiritual Journey and Ours).

February 20

"And the Lord turned the captivity of Job when he prayed for his friends..." (Job 42:10, KJV). When we are angry toward others then we are captive to ugly feelings. "There is nothing that makes us love someone as praying for him, and when you can do this sincerely...you have fitted your soul for the performance of everything that is kind and civil toward him. Be daily on your knees... praying for others in such form, with such length, importunity and eagerness as you use for yourself; and you will find all little, ill-natured passions die away, and your heart will grow great and generous" (William Law). What a beautiful thought!

February 21

Hands! Do we appreciate our hands? "He showed them His hands..." (Luke 24:40). The hands of Jesus were human hands, hands that once were baby hands; hands that toiled in a carpenter's shop; hands that blessed, motivated by a love that finally literally killed Him. His hands hallowed the little ones; His pure hands touched the sick and made them well in mind and body. But most important of all are His saving hands: "I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand" (John 10:28). To think that our Savior took to heaven wounded hands that were used only to bless us....!

February 22

Sometimes we sink to our knees in sickness of body and mind, unable to gather our forces to go on. This little story should help us in these times. A small boy was struggling to lift a heavy stone, but he couldn't budge it. His father, passing by, stopped to watch his efforts. Finally he said to his son: "Are you using all your strength?" "Yes, I am," the boy cried, exasperated. "No," the father said calmly, "you aren't. You haven't asked me to help you." Even Jesus asked His Father for help that terrible night in the Garden: "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done" (Luke 22:42).

February 23

Benjamin Franklin, printer, publisher, author, inventor, scientist and diplomat, published Poor Richard's Almanack in which he coined numerous proverbs praising prudence, industry and honesty. He wrote: "When confronted with two courses of action, I jot down on a piece of paper all the arguments in favor of each one. Then, by weighing the arguments pro and con and canceling them out one against the other, I take the course indicated by what remains." There are legitimate gray areas of life when it is a good idea to do this. It's choosing the better of two goods, when two options are equally honorable.

February 24

There's a story about a cow and a pig. The pig was complaining because he was so disliked. He told the cow that people were always talking about how gentle and kind the cow was. The pig admitted that the cow was quite generous with her milk and cream, but he told the cow that actually the pigs gave much more. The cow thought a while and then said, "Maybe it's because I give while I'm still living." Proverbs 11:25 KJV says, "The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself." It's a good idea to open hand and heart while living; one of the rewards is both their happiness and ours.

February 25

We should read Psalm 8 on days when we wonder if God cares about His creation. "... What is man that you are mindful of him...You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor" (Vss.4,5). The responsibilities and possibilities are awesome when one does consider what man is. Hebrews 2:9 tells us, "But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death..." The greatest favor and honor to man was the incarnation and resurrection of the Son of Man. In this lies our value.

February 26

A father gave prudent advice to his son who had just graduated from college and was about to go into his profession. "My boy," he said, "remember there are three bones, and you will never have any trouble." "How will three bones keep me out of trouble?" the boy asked, puzzled. "There is a wishbone, a jawbone, and a backbone," the father explained. "The wishbone keeps you going after goals. The jawbone helps you find out how to go after them if you are in doubt, and the backbone keeps you at it until you get there." Lord, we pray for one more bone, a firebone of love from the Holy Spirit, that we may glorify You.

February 27

Richter defined time as the chrysalis of eternity. What an unusual and exquisite concept this is. The dictionary defines chrysalis as the third stage in the development of an insect, the pupal stage; also, anything still in the process of development. It is during pupation that larval structures of insects break down and adult structures form: wings appear for the first time. The adult emerges from the cocoon; the caterpillar is transformed into the butterfly. God is giving us this chrysalis to develop our wings. May we use our time wisely that we may have it for eternity.

February 28

Ecclesiastes 1:9c tells us there is nothing new under the sun. But whatever the current population is, that is how many newnesses there are. Martin Buber said: "Every person born into this world represents something new, something that never existed before, something original and unique...There has never been anyone like him in the world, for if there had been someone like him, there would have been no need for him to be in the world. Every man is a new thing in the world and is called upon to fulfill his particularity in this world." So let us not doubt that God has His good reasons for our being.

wall graphic

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 19 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Pro-Star MMA, Jerry Jones teaches Guillotine Counter 2

Pro-Star MMA Instructor Jerry Jones teaches Guillotine Counter 2 to a Pro-Star adult class. 1-877-274-4846joe@prostarmma.com prostar pro-star www.prostarmma.com kickboxing grappling bjj brazilian jiu jitsu jiu-jitsu kick boxing punch thai mixed martial arts mma ufc ultimate fighting championship pride IFL ultimate fighter joe brignoli joey joseph jerry jones john graden david bybee frank shamrock chuck norris liddell bas rutten gracie mata teachers association kids karate taekwondo tkd drills clearwater palm harbor FL florida Nutley nj new jersey kids jab cross overhand right hook to body uppercut upper cut focus pads mitts sparring games left hook thai kick straight right straight knee thai knee clinch full mount side mount escape roll guard half full butterfly head north south takedown take down single double sprawl arm bar hammer lock hammerlock reverse keylock key lock bearhug bear hug forearm fore arm snatch low leg headlock front fight stance fighter defense 1 2 3 4 stand up standup position full nelson pass catting out guillotine counter scoop class classroom movement knee kneebar pummel over and under plum tie up tie-up block blocks warmup warm-ups warm ups spin active standing ankle pick foot touch back backward backwards jump side sidekick hook front transition combo combination duck slip evade weave submission submissions www.martialartsteachers.com capping cap wrestling

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วันพุธที่ 15 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Snatch high pulls from blocks 140kg (308lbs)

Quick o'lifting workout. Snatch high pulls from blocks, push jerks, and dynamic full squats.

Car Ramps mosquito fogger tankless water heaters reviews

วันเสาร์ที่ 11 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

The Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat Revealed

Looking for the best exercise to lose belly fat? Here it is: Does this situation seem similar to you? Bob has a big stomach, and dreams about losing his stomach fat. However...He does sit ups, crunches, leg lifts, and all the stuff... He FEELS it burning off..

So he's really happy.


The inches just don't go away.. And he doesn't ACTUALLY lose the belly fat

What's happening here?

It's a common misconception that a lot of people have. Bob isn't taking away his belly fat, he's just building muscle underneath. What he NEEDS to do... What YOU need to do... Is burn the calories off. It's really simple once you learn the best way to do it, and that's what we're going to reveal right now.

The best exercise to lose belly fat is simply running and jogging, and/or any other sport that gets your cardiovascular system burning your calories. I repeat, the best exercise to lose belly fat is the one that gets your heart racing the most. It really is as simple as that.

Next time you think about burning off some stomach fat by doing crunches, stop! Just think about it yourself and I'm sure it will make sense to you.

You take in a bunch of calories... And you feel bad... Then... To burn it off... You don't just do crunches. How many calories does that burn compared to running around the block a few times?

Running around the block burns WAY more calories than simply lifting up your stomach. So do that, burn a lot of calories, and get the stomach you've always wanted.

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วันอังคารที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Decorating With Accent Pillows

Decorating with accent pillows is dead simple and boils down to a few basic concepts.

1. The amount of pillows and their arrangement.

You will usually want to pick an odd number of pillows somewhere around three and seven for a natural asymmetrical look. If you're a balance freak like I am you may not be able to help the impulse to place an even number or either side, this is ok but takes a little from the "chic" factor. Also, opting of a smaller number of larger pillows rather than a ton of small ones provides a much cleaner look, but for certain motifs and backdrops you may want a really full appearance where the smaller pillows will be ideal.

2. The size and the shape of your throw pillows.

If you're going for angular square or rectangle pillows you want them to be in the 16 - 26 inch range, no bigger but in a few cases they may be smaller. These pillows generally need to be large enough to full showcase a few passes of a given patter or even a large block of solid color. Rectangular pillows are really nice because the oblong shape is usually unexpected and adds a bit of extra flair. In most cases you will not be opting for a circular pillow, and unless you are an experienced designer or just know that you've got the stuff you should be cautious when approaching your sofa with spherical cushions. Round pillows tend to not blend well with the overall angels of your furniture, unless of course you a have very unique piece such as a cylinder bed or circular patterns in your rooms decor.

3. The fabric and pattern.

When adding throw pillows into the mix it is always safest to go with a somewhat limited color palette and big geometric patterns. Textures such as cotton and linen are the best fabrics though silk throw pillows do have a place in certain modern settings. If you really like a lot of color then the best bet is to snatch the color palette from an existing piece of art or "busy" decorative item. This will keep the visual clutter to minimum and add some uniformity to the madness (just kidding, you're not MAD, I love color too:).

4. The edging and trim.

This is an optional consideration and doesn't apply to many modern pillow varieties. If your decor is based on a traditional Victorian theme then you will undoubtedly opt for aubusson style pillows that are full of tassels and flared edges with trim to spare. Fringes definitely give the pillows more impact and for this reason you will want to use slim small edges on smaller pillows and limit the amount of large throws with big bold tassels and trim.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 3 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Def Squad Presents Erick Onasis(Erick Sermon) - So Sweet Feat Eazy - E + Lyrics

[Erick Onasis] Yeah, check it out Where Eazy at man? (I think he over there dude) Where he at? damn (Oh aight cool) Yo, I'm the rocka man (Who?) Glock cocka man (Who?) Blocka blocka man (You!) can't stoppa man Technique I freak Make chicks strip to bare meat Leavin' nuttin' on but their shoes No rules, I'm dumbin' out in the bathroom Gettin' sucked off 'till I bust off E single to mingle Blow somethin' in they ear to make'em tingle Earrings watch'em jingle (uh!) Leave the spot jump in the car escape Bouncin', with the new biggie smalls tape Dead wrong down sunset haven't had fun yet Me not the E, you wanna make a bet? Remember this, lounge you in the danger zone E got the blocks on snipe the drop zone (uh!) Peep the whip, I'm sittin' on twenty inch Brobbit's And y'all sittin' on garbage (huh!) Feel me baby the way I be movin' Watch what I'm doin', got the spot brewin' Off the hook in here, you can smell it, gangsta I'll let Eazy E tell it Chorus [Eazy-E] (4x) Feel the beat! Bein' a gangsta is so neat Yeah! gangsta beat for the street [Eazy-E] I got beef for the street to the beach I'll be rollin' Never see me strollin' 40's I'll be holdin' Girls in the daisys drive eazy crazy Rolled up my windows as I turned on my AC Rollin' down crenshaw see the hoe's joggin' Sunday nights poppin' See the 4's hoppin' My stereo's bumpin' the ATL funk You can call it what you want Either way the shit bumps Chorus (4x) [Erick Onasis] Yeah, yeah yeah feel me y'all (who?) The emcee y'all (yo ...

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