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วันอังคารที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Decorating With Accent Pillows

Decorating with accent pillows is dead simple and boils down to a few basic concepts.

1. The amount of pillows and their arrangement.

You will usually want to pick an odd number of pillows somewhere around three and seven for a natural asymmetrical look. If you're a balance freak like I am you may not be able to help the impulse to place an even number or either side, this is ok but takes a little from the "chic" factor. Also, opting of a smaller number of larger pillows rather than a ton of small ones provides a much cleaner look, but for certain motifs and backdrops you may want a really full appearance where the smaller pillows will be ideal.

2. The size and the shape of your throw pillows.

If you're going for angular square or rectangle pillows you want them to be in the 16 - 26 inch range, no bigger but in a few cases they may be smaller. These pillows generally need to be large enough to full showcase a few passes of a given patter or even a large block of solid color. Rectangular pillows are really nice because the oblong shape is usually unexpected and adds a bit of extra flair. In most cases you will not be opting for a circular pillow, and unless you are an experienced designer or just know that you've got the stuff you should be cautious when approaching your sofa with spherical cushions. Round pillows tend to not blend well with the overall angels of your furniture, unless of course you a have very unique piece such as a cylinder bed or circular patterns in your rooms decor.

3. The fabric and pattern.

When adding throw pillows into the mix it is always safest to go with a somewhat limited color palette and big geometric patterns. Textures such as cotton and linen are the best fabrics though silk throw pillows do have a place in certain modern settings. If you really like a lot of color then the best bet is to snatch the color palette from an existing piece of art or "busy" decorative item. This will keep the visual clutter to minimum and add some uniformity to the madness (just kidding, you're not MAD, I love color too:).

4. The edging and trim.

This is an optional consideration and doesn't apply to many modern pillow varieties. If your decor is based on a traditional Victorian theme then you will undoubtedly opt for aubusson style pillows that are full of tassels and flared edges with trim to spare. Fringes definitely give the pillows more impact and for this reason you will want to use slim small edges on smaller pillows and limit the amount of large throws with big bold tassels and trim.

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