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วันเสาร์ที่ 19 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Why You Should Take Identity Theft Seriously

The Internet has made communication easier and there's no doubt about that. The greater concern is that with each rise in technology that people have been enjoying, drawbacks keep rising as well. Emails, for example, are the fastest way to reach someone on the farthest side of the globe but they're also the easiest for unscrupulous elements to pry into users' affairs and steal confidential information. You don't even need analytical skills or any other complex thought process. You simply have to know the technicalities of information technology and then it becomes a breeze to look into people's lives, rob them of their identities and create a mess out of their lives.

This article is, of course, not about thieving people of their personal details but protecting them from those who could be. It's good to start from your good old email and how this could be the fastest route to snatch personal information. Perpetrators are going to send you messages that tell you anything from how to be a millionaire in three days to being recipient of a dying millionaire's fortune. Then they'll tell you to open an attachment or click a link that comes with the message. If you're not aware that these are cons, you'll probably believe them, download that attachment or click that link. Seconds later, the sender of the message starts fishing for your information, thanks to that virus you had unknowingly installed in your computer when you did just as they told you.

In this kind of scenario, the question would always be how to prevent it from happening again. This is not a million dollar question and the answer is probably obvious. Get anti-virus software. The problem is when you actually get the software, install it in your computer and not commit to requirements of the program. For example, anti-virus software will often come with an auto-update feature which allows it to update itself regularly so new bugs are detected when they attempt to infiltrate the system. Sometimes, people install their an antivirus but don't bother to check its options, including the one that allows for auto-updates.

When you talk of identity theft, it's impossible not to talk of spyware which makes anti-spyware another must in your computer. This is a program that blocks codes designed to spy on your information. Spyware won't necessarily damage your system like viruses do but they can damage your financial life once they start spying on your banking usernames and passwords and reporting these to their master. Soon, you'll start seeing miracles on your credit card bills. And then you'll have a hard time recovering from your crashing credit score and if you're not resilient enough, you'll probably even go bankrupt.

Panic, however, is the last thing you'll want to do. As long as you do your part simply by being sensible in your online activities, you should be fairly safe. For example, never download files from any website whose integrity is not proven, decline requests for cookies and ignore emails that tell you to click on suspicious links. In other words, do not seek sites that will probably make you a victim.

On the other hand, you're going to need to protect yourself from hackers who will be seeking you. This is where an IP hide software becomes useful.

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