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วันพุธที่ 23 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Profit From Time Management

You deserve your success. To excel in insurance business, you need neither huge capital nor state-of-the-art technology. The most valuable capital you have is time. Top producers in insurance business can always secure more sales than the rest when they have the same 24 hours a day just like what others have.

One of the stumbling blocks that stand in the way between you and your success is time wasters. Times wasters are the culprits that rob you of your valuable time and also your success. Are you an easy target of time thieves?

Let's view the profile of time thieves so that you can nab them:

(a) Procrastination

Are you always hesitant? Procrastination serves no purpose but only delays work, decreases your efficiency, damages your self confidence, and makes people lose faith in you.

One of the reasons why you hesitate or procrastinate is because you aspire to be a perfectionist. Perfectionists are not head-and-shoulder above the rest. Perfection is only an illusion. There is no perfection. In fact, one must have some defects in order to be perfect.

Insurance agents should focus on action instead of perfection. Do not waste time on unnecessary tiny and trivial details. We don't expect ourselves to be 100% perfect in our knowledge and skills before going out to the field. Striving for perfection delays your success, it also brings you frustration and dissatisfaction.

(b) Feelings of guilt and grudges

Are you bringing our emotional baggage to work? Are you allowing your anger and remorse to distract your attention? Negative emotions are your liability. They embezzle your precious time with your consent and collaboration.

Just imagine the amount of time we spend to blame ourselves or someone else. Just imagine the amount of hours we worry about other people's thoughts and opinions. By the time we finish lamenting our misfortune or bad luck, we would have been poorer by a few hours. At the same time, many opportunities would have slipped through our fingers.

(c) Being unorganized

Do you always find yourself entangled in your work? Are you always trapped or lost in the files and folders you created? Do you always spend time looking for a document that seems to have vanished into the thin air?

One the average, one spends an hour a day searching for files, document or information. If we are able to arrange our files and folders in locatable manner, we will have saved one hour a day or 365 hours a year or 15 days a day. We could have additional 15 days at our disposal if we have a proper filing system in place.

(d) Telephone

Telephone brings us convenience but at the same time it is also a very seductive time waster. If we are not careful, we can be hooked on the phone for hours at the expense of success.

Plan for your phone conversation and make sure we hang up the phone when our objectives are met. Once the phone is through, precondition long winded chatters that you have only so much time to talk.

Knowing we are surrounded by time thieves who are always on the look out to snatch precious time from us, we can employ the following strategies to ward off time wasters:

(1) Get yourself a time guard

We tend to display the brighter side of ourselves to other people. Let your friends or associates know you are working on a few big cases this week. Let them show their concern over your progress. Whenever you have tough time answering their queries, you will feel the pressure to meet the sales target you set for yourself.

(2) Synchronize your activities with your biological clock

Are you a lark or an owl? When is your most productive time? If you are a morning person, morning is your prime hours. If you are an owl, you are more active in the afternoon. Match your activities with your active hours.

Do not spend time doing paper work when you feel you have so much energy to do a lot of great stuff. Use your prime time to work on primary tasks or assignments that are important and urgent.

(3) Capitalize on waiting time and fractional time

Make better use your waiting time or fractional time. While waiting for a cab or waiting in line at a grocery or in traffic jam, you can call prospects or customers for appointments or referrals. You can also read a sales article or jot down a sales idea that pops up in your mind.

You have all the reasons to safeguard one of your most valuable assets - time. Do not let time wasters rob you of your time of your success.

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