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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 31 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The Lifestyle Implications of Excessive Head Sweating

Excessive head sweating is cause for great anguish and despair for a lot of people. They go overboard trying to conceal this sweaty little secret from friends, family and colleagues alike. Even though it is of no consequence at all and can hardly be called a treatment, people feel a great deal better if this condition remains hidden from others.

Excessive head sweating, known as facial hyperhidrosis in other words is a huge problem if you happen to be afflicted with this condition. One needs to understand that it raises a number of problems as well as being very noticeable to a slightly discerning individual.

Trying to prevent people from noticing the stream of sweat running down your face is not feasible. Especially a head which is swimming in sweat is particularly difficult to conceal from the public eye. The odour cannot be masked and it would be futile to attempt to hide any of the above.

This condition of facial hyperhidrosis or head sweating needs instant, effectual and long lasting treatment, preferably lasting forever. One does feel like the butt of all jokes and also becomes an object of ridicule for other people. To find an effectual and enduring solution to this problem, one must attack the ground source of the problem. Therefore it must not be a superficial attempt at solving the problem, which is just blocking head sweating. An underlying cause must be rooted out and the same has to be treated for a permanent end to the problem. By treating the symptoms, it will stop on its own.

Head sweating more often than not, results in physiological as well as psychological problems. A treatment plan that only targets the sweating and not the flagging self esteem is incomplete. You should be able to mitigate the sweating in addition to the certainty of not having to face it again. It should disappear with the reappearance of your confidence. However, this involves making an effort from your side as merely the desire to make it go away will not do.

Unfortunately, it hits the fairer sex harder than men as the former are usually accustomed to applying makeup. And it makes it virtually impossible thus resulting in loss of confidence and often they become victims of an inferiority complex. This is so because their sure fire method of looking beautiful is snatched away from them.

What really leads to excessive sweating? This question is not easy to answer as there is no simple explanation for it. A large number of reasons may be the cause of this condition. For examples hormonal disorders, hereditary problems, genetic influence and immediate topical factor can lead to head sweating. Thyroid is another cause for sweating. In case anyone in your immediate family or aunts, uncles or grandparents has this condition, you may be susceptible as well. Adolescence, excitement, stress, anxiety are other key aspects that may result in this problem.

The usual, run of the mill solutions for head sweating are hardly capable for putting an end to the problem as regards the bodily aspect let alone properly treating the psychological consequences. Treatments involving ointments, lotions, medical creams, antiperspirant sprays, Medications, drugs and surgery are not holistic.

Furthermore, complications arising from head sweating are heightened with misinformation and incomprehension of the condition. People who are obese are said to be more prone to excessive head sweating, although healthy and thin people may also suffer from it.


