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วันพุธที่ 11 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Search for Appetite Suppressant Ends at Acomplia

Every obese is willing to lose weight because there are many physical and psychological problems associated with obesity. Particularly, when your body mass index is 30 or more than that you are vulnerable to many worst diseases. Heart failure, brain stroke, kidney failure and bursting of liver are the some serious problems associated with obesity. Obesity usually leads to weakening of reflexes which snatches numerous opportunities because people generally want to deal only with an active person.

Balancing diet and doing appropriate amount of physical work can help in obesity. Only burning of calories in gym does not help as calories burnt in the gym are replaced by your food. Numerous obese find it difficult to have control over appetite; because once stomach is settled for a particular amount food reverting to lower amount becomes almost impossible. Forceful suppression of appetite can be harmful. In such a complicated condition, when appetite suppression is essential but cannot be done forcefully, an appetite suppressor can help a lot. An ideal appetite suppressor after its use brings your appetite to the desired level so that your metabolic system can easily burn fat present beneath your skin.

After the emergence of obesity as a big challenge, almost all drug manufacturing companies introduced appetite suppressors in the weight loss drug market. The efficacy of every drug is susceptible, but after arrival of Acomplia in the weight loss drug market things are pretty different. This medication is successful in curbing appetite in more than 90% people and in rest it has given significant results. Acomplia is an invention of Sanofi-Aventis of France.

Acomplia has high efficacy because of it unique working pattern. Its prime active ingredient Rimonabant is an endo-cannabinoid receptor type-1 (CB-1 receptor) blocker. CB-1 receptor is a part of nervous system and it sends the signals of hunger to brain. Once CB-1 receptor is blocked, you do not feel excessive urge for food. By blocking CB-1 receptor Acomplia also helps in cessation of urge for smoking.

This medication is an oral-prescription drug, whose sale is rolled out by Sanofi-Aventis recently in 7 European countries. Though easily available, but Acomplia should not be used without doctor's prescription. Generally doctors prescribe for 20mg of Acomplia swallowed with enough plain water daily before having breakfast. Overdosing Acomplia in any case is strictly forbidden. Do not crush, break or chew pill of this weight loss drug as it can be harmful.

Like any other allopathic medication, Acomplia may have some side-effects. The side-effects associated with Acomplia are mild and ephemeral like nausea, stomach disorder, dry mouth and dizziness. Moreover, these side effects occur in rare cases and generally disappear after the use of the medication for a few days.

Placing an online order for Acomplia brings this medication at your doorstep at a cheaper rate.

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