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วันอังคารที่ 2 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Causes of Drunk Driving - Think Before You Drink

Nobody can resist a good party. Why should you? There's lots of free foods, endless conversation, and the inevitable, alcohol. There have been countless of accidents that occurred because someone had miscalculated his level of inebriation at a party. A lot of people have mistakenly thought that driving while being a little tipsy cannot be accounted for drunk driving. After all, it wouldn't hurt anybody if it's just a few blocks, would it? That's where most people were wrong and they paid a heavy price.

The causes of drunk driving are far-reaching and disturbing. One of them is the fact that they didn't really intend to get drunk. There comes a time when a person is not sufficiently prepared for it. For instance, he drives to a party or heads to a bar, gets carried away with the situation and ended up drinking more than he can handle. The result, he drives home drunk, exposing his self and others to all the hazards of the road. Most often, these people think they're left with no other option but to drive home while in extreme intoxication. What they should understand is that there is always another option. They could call a family member or hail a cab instead to drive them home.

Alcohol can muddle a person's best judgment and majority of the time, drunken people are often always too proud to admit that they can't control themselves anymore. Others are just so used to the situation that they think nothing is wrong with it until something bad happens to them. Deaths and injuries can seem surreal and unrealistic until you suffer the same fate.

One of the most common causes of drunk driving is the trouble in recognizing the intensity of your impairment after drinking a generous amount of alcohol. Nobody can really tell you just how drunk you are if everybody's having a good time just like you. Alcohol can set your reflexes back and weakens your reasoning power by tricking you into believing you are still perfectly able to drive and that your motor skills are unaltered.

The other reason blamed for drunk driving is peer pressure, especially, among teenagers. Teenagers love to show off to their peers just how much alcohol they can imbibe to impress each other. In most situations, when they get too drunk, they refuse anybody else to drive them home. Many young adults are at a higher risk of becoming more involve in drunken driving accidents because they don't know how to put a limit to their alcohol consumption.

A study in 2004 revealed that 18 million Americans are alcoholic. Experts believe that a significant number of this statistics become illegally intoxicated at parties or in bars. Parties attended by teenagers are deemed more dangerous because some of them are still inexperienced drinkers. Cajoled by friends, they could consume more than they think they can handle and unaware of what alcohol can do to their state of mind. As they get drunk, a false feeling of confidence builds up and impairs their sense of reason.

Drunk driving is one of the most prevalent problems on the road that law enforcement is trying to control. If you are caught driving while under the influence of alcohol, you could end up in jail. Not only will it affect your life but also the lives of your loved ones.

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