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วันอังคารที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Owner Financing FAQ #10: What is a good real estate investment with Owner Financing today?

www.OwnerFinancingAnswers.com. In the popular "Owner Financing Answers" Series, Mike Watson answers Question #10 What is a good real estate investment with Owner Financing today? This series will help you take advantage of incredibly low "Post-Bubble" real estate prices without "Help" from a Bank! Open the paper or turn on the TV and all the so-called "experts" agree: real estate is going down down down with no end in sight. You've probably been watching the prices drop month after month and thought "if I only had some money I'd go snatch up some of these drastically reduced homes!" You are right! With foreclosures and short sales abounding, everyone should be buying RIGHT NOW! Prices are incredibly low and higher rents are providing amazing cash flows. The only problem is that the shell-shocked banks won't touch you with a 10 foot pole without a 720+ FICO score and a 20%+ down payment. What if you could purchase property without a mortgage? I know this idea seems crazy on the surface, but just humor me for a moment as I ask the question that could change the course of your life forever... How many properties could you buy if you could secure unlimited financing without asking a bank or mortgage company for their funds? The question seems outrageous, I know, but only because you don't know that my partners and I are buying more "cash flow positive" properties than ever before... all without "help" from the bank! In fact, we are literally buying up whole blocks in ...

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