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วันอังคารที่ 15 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Work at Home Moms - How to Find Time For Business When You Have Small Children

How does a work at home Mom find time for her home business especially when the children are young and need much attention? Follow these 5 steps for creating more time for business and enjoy the rewards of both, being a Mom and working from home.

5 Steps for Creating More Time for Business:

1. When children nap, Mom works on business. It's too easy to do housework as soon as there is a window of opportunity. Learn to designate quiet time as the time you work at your home business.

2. Teach kids to work with you. Allowing children to "help" with household chores teaches them responsibility no matter how young they are. Make it a joyful time spent together and they will anticipate chore time.

3. Teach self-entertainment. Over the years I have developed many methods for my children to entertain themselves when I needed uninterrupted time. All of these methods had to be presented with much enthusiasm and making it a very special privilege would guarantee their interest.

4. Plan ahead. When your children are very young or demand a lot of your attention a different plan of action must be incorporated. Plan your tasks ahead of time and whenever you have an opportunity snatch those moments to work on completing the outlined tasks. When you have larger blocks of time lay out as much work for the next work sessions, as possible.

5. Hire a Mommy's Helper. I was fortunate to have teenagers in my neighborhood looking for job opportunities when my kids were young. It was a lifesaver to have someone I could call on during my extremely busy times of business.

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