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วันพุธที่ 31 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Fan Fair Is It fair or Not?

Just by the title of this article, I feel like Andy Rooney from 60 minutes. I grew up watching him with my Grandma, although he looks just the same as he did when I was 3. So last night, when I turned the on the TV and he was there, I thought I would watch him to bring my Grandmother closer to me. Low and behold, he began talking about the packaging and marketing of items, and how companies, even software companies, have more hype then product. And judging by Fan Fair, I would have to agree with him.

This was my first Fan Fair, so maybe I should give it a few years, but I also got the pulse of the situation from other Fan Fair attendee's, the tried and true dedicated fans of Fan Fair. So let me start at the beginning. Being a novice Fan Fair attendee, I did all of the wrong things. I didn't make reservations, and I didn't purchase tickets ahead of time. When I arrived at the airport, there was a woman waiting for me with a sign that had my name on it. (One of the perks of being part of Fan Fair I guess, but trust me, one of the very few! And I am smiling at that!) I arrived at my dear friend's house and started to unpack. The next day would be a busy one with the baseball game and some interviews.

When the next day arrived, Nashville was hit by a major thunder and lightening storm and when calling to rent a car, there were none available. My first lesson at Fan Fair, reserve a car! So I would be stuck hitching rides with friends or relying on taxi's that are very cost prohibitive! The problem was that we couldn't get to the baseball game. All the taxi's were taking forever and had to be called many times and they still did not show. The one person that was nice enough to come get us didn't want to head in that direction because of the storm. Okay, then I would head to the Indie fest that had already begun.

When I arrived at the Indie Fest I met up with some friends from my last European tour and saw Jack Green and Ernie Ashworth, Grand Ole Opry Stars and true stars they are. You really should go check them out at the Grand Ole Opry whenever they are on! I already knew Ernie from touring last year. The Indies' played their hearts out, Sean O'Brien being one of the best I have seen in a long time. What a crooner, and someone else whose show you must check out if he plays in your town! You won't be disappointed! And women, he's a doll! BUT keep your lips for screaming when he sings only, because he is married to a very lovely and sweet wife. The Indies' were backed by some of Nashville's finest musicians; Bess Travers who played bass was awesome! "The Nashville Players" were there and incredible. Then I was told by someone at Indie fest who was working there, that the Grand Ole Opry Stars who were supposed to be playing at the Indie Fest, all 22 of them, were told they could not play there. I won't go into the reason's why, but when the crowd found out, they were disappointed! Stella Parton graced the Indie Fest stage as well as Bobby G. Rice.

After the show, a bunch of us headed down to the famous restaurant, Houston's. While the prices were expensive, it was worth every single bite! The food was fabulous and I would recommend anyone visiting Nashville to give it a try! While we were waiting, I ran into Jamie O'Neil and Neil McCoy (a true cowboy at heart). Neil was very casual and friendly. I thought wow, this is the beginning of what I expected at Fan Fair, the fans, meeting the stars and Fan Fair hadn't really begun yet!

After Houston's, we headed down to Broadway, and for those of you not familiar with Nashville, this is where you will find it all. The Ryman is less then a ½ block from Broadway, world famous Tootsies is on Broadway and of course is a must see and then there is Legends next door to Tootsies just to name a few. All the bars had no cover charge and some of the best music I have heard in a long time. We danced the night away and landed home around 4 AM. The next day I hit Riverfest that had an inexpensive all day ticket of $10.00. The first 2 hours were acts signed to major Indie labels, and let me tell you, some of the acts could not sing on key. It wasn't just my musicians' ear that was tweaked, I looked around and the crowd was cringing too! But then acts like T Graham Brown, Joe Stampley and The Great Divide came on and spiced up the crowd, giving renewed hope to audience. They were crowd pleasers and crowd stoppers and everyone loved them.

In between, a DJ from one of the radio stations in Nashville asked the audience how they liked the new venue. The crowd roared a huge "boooo, we hate it!" The DJ actually seemed overwhelmed and surprised by the reaction. I decided I would ask one of the people who was sitting beside me why he and his wife did not like the new venue. They said they had purchased platinum tickets to the Adelphia, where all the Fan Fair booths and concerts were held, and they were seated so far away during the concerts, that the stars looked like ants. I decided to do some research. I went around the crowd asking the same question, "Do you like the new format of Fan Fair. Why or Why not?" It was always the same answer. Too many people. Too much corporate, not enough stars and the few stars that actually showed up for something other then the concerts were only there for a brief time. Extremely hard to find parking spots, and too much traffic.

My friend took out the Fan Fair booklet and counted only 26 actual signing booths for stars out of the 100 some odd booths in the Adelphia building. WOW! Wait a minute. I thought this was Fan Fair, not Gizmo and latest Gadget fair. According to previous Fan Fair attendee's, Fan Fair used to be held at the fair grounds. There were a lot of stars and star booths, concerts, and everything was in one place. No hopping about, trying to find parking and trying to make it to something that already happened before you arrived. Another huge complaint was that the venue used to be held during the week and was longer, and now it was held during the busiest time, the weekend and it was shorter. I did not hear a single positive remark from the fans about the new format.

But let's get back to my experience at Fan Fair, the Riverfest stage. Sherrie Austin came out, and the men went wild. She sang up a storm and sounded as good live as she does on her CD. After she finished, a bunch of us decided to go grab a bite to eat before we watched the next round of people on stage. We headed up to Broadway and started looking. I went into a cute little store called Cotton Eyed Joes, to get a bag to carry some things I had in hand. Nice little store, inexpensive, with a lot of touristy type items for those of you looking for that type of thing. As we walked up the street one of the gals I was with said she wanted some french fries and that she wanted to go into Hooters to get them. I said, 'Are you crazy?! I have never been in a Hooters in my life and I don't want to start now.' For those of you who have seen me live, it's not a threat to me; it's that I feel it's degrading to women. Of course none of the men in our group objected...LOL! Like they would. Snicker. So, in we went, into Hooters, and my friends were pushing me in saying I should get a job there. NOT! Okay, so I was wrong, it wasn't at all what I expected it to be. Instead of the bikini-clad women I had seen in the ads, they were wearing T-shirts, which didn't offend me while I was eating.

Our plans were crushed, while we sat eating our cuisine at Hooters (just the name is offensive to me, sorry guys!), as the rain starting pouring and a lighting storm of huge proportions starting hitting the fair city of Nashville. It rained the rest of the day, so our plans to head back to Riverfest to see some of the more popular artists for that week, were dashed. By evening, the rain had stopped and we headed for the Nashville Palace with some friends. The cuisine left much to be desired. Not one of us liked our food or our drinks, but the entertainment was great. Vern Gosdin showed up, greatly improved after his stroke a few years ago and sang a few tunes, much to the delight of the entire audience. What a legend! The house band was awesome and I started realizing how ordinary one feels amongst such great talent that is everywhere, on every corner!

What was surprising to me, was that the cover bands were playing mostly Merle Haggard, Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, Loretta Lynn, and Willie Nelson songs to name just a few of the legends and the crowd would roar for more. You would hear, 'We want more Merle', 'Play another Dolly tune', 'I want another Waylon tune'. And these requests continued throughout the night. You rarely heard a Shania Twain or Faith Hill song, and never a Jessica Andrews song. What I found so interesting was, whether the people in the crowd were 25, 72, 43, or 14 (and there were quite a few in the teenage group around), they all knew every single word to the old standards and wanted to hear more. I even heard several teenagers, when one of the newer songs was played yelling, 'We don't want to hear that! We want Merle!' So the trend record labels have of letting the "old" ones go may not be what the public wants, who knows, maybe that is why Country Music is dying and record labels are going out of business. Could it be they aren't listening to what the people want, and only seeing the demographics of what they consider the main buying populace? Is there a place for the "old" with the "new"?

Could it be that this industry and others that are following suit have thrown away traditions because anyone over the age of 40 is too old? That's sad. It seems the people in charge have taken over what we are allowed to think, feel and see. Somehow, in the Americanized part of the world, anyone over the age of 25 has become outdated and too old and forget it if you are 40 or older. I don't know about the rest of you, but I love my Grandma more then anything. I think of her more highly then anyone I have ever known. And on top of everything else, she is a virtual library of information. She is beautiful and interesting and fun. No one is going to tell me that because she is older, she is not of value!

Recently, when I was viewing the site of a popular radio station, I saw a statement and list that read as follows: "Artists we play", "Artists we respect, but don't play". All the older more established artists and the legends were on the 'respected list', and all of the "up and comers" were on the 'we play list'. I called up and asked for the Program Director and asked why a certain artist, who I thought was "newer" because she had had a number one hit just last year, was on the 'respected, but not played' list. I already suspected why the other ones were on there, although I did not agree. I was told that while they respected the older artists, the artist I was referring too was too old because she had just turned 40, and they didn't play females past the age of 40 on their station. What amazed me was that he had the guts to tell me this. Aren't there age and sex discrimination laws? He said their demographic listening group liked younger artists only. How I wish he had been in Nashville that night!

What an eye opener that statement was for me! My reply to him was, "Okay, so you're telling me that Cher, Ella Fitzgerald, and Kenny Rogers have lost their voices and can no longer sing and we should put them out to pastor now? Right!" I hung up on him. Cher and Kenny Rogers have both had huge hits in the past several years and we all know they are over 40! Okay, enough of my ranting. Back to Fan Fair and the original point. In the majority of the bars, the old standards were the most popular, especially Merle Haggard, and that was what people wanted to hear.

The next day we rehearsed for singing at the Blue Bird Café, which was a huge thrill for me. I had never been to the Blue Bird. We rehearsed, hung out by the pool, and then went to the Blue Bird. There was some big talent there. So many wonderful singers I can't name them all! For those of you, who have never been to Nashville, please make sure to hit the Blue Bird Café. It is very small, so get there early or there won't be a seat for you. If you can't make it there or to Nashville, they broadcast live on the Internet so you can hear the talent there too. We did the gig with Joanne and people came up to us telling us they loved it, and we were a breath of fresh air. That was nice. We headed back to downtown and back to Broadway to see the happenings there.

Daryle Singletary showed up at Tootsies and sang his hits from a several years ago. He was incredible. What a velvety voice. What I would like to know is why he was let go from his contract, and why isn't he signed again yet?! The crowd went wild for him, the women were cooing (me too...whoooo baby...what a hottie!), and the men loved him too! Someone needs to snatch him up, or he needs to start his own label. This was the last night of Fan Fair, and my last night in Nashville, so we had to make the best of it. We hit just about every bar on the strip, learning new dances, hearing the talent, seeing old friends and breathing in the last of the home town country feel, or at least the best you can get in a big city. My last stop was at the Grand Ole Opry Hotel, a real touristy thing to do and it was about midnight, but what a great last stop. It is the biggest hotel in the world with some 2000 rooms and a wonderful tropical environment smack dab in the middle of their huge atrium. What a sight and how beautiful. There was a fabulous light show that happened with water just after we arrived and we spent 3 hours just walking around and looking at the beautiful architecture. There was a lot more to the trip, but sadly, there just isn't enough room

My general opinion of Fan Fair is that I would not go again. There were not enough stars for the general fans and it wasn't at all what it had been built up to be. I would go to Nashville over and over and over again. I love that town! It's a great place, a great environment, with a lot of fun things to do, and a plethora of talent that is unbelievable! If I were doing an Andy Rooney bit about Fan Fair, I would say, there was so much air in this huge package, and once you put a hole in the package and let all the air out, there was hardly any product. Most of the fun I had in Nashville, I could have had whether Fan Fair was there or not. Even though I have never been part of the previous Fan Fairs, my vote is cast for the old venue to bring the stars back home!

Copyright 2005 Jaci Rae

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วันเสาร์ที่ 27 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

MUDDING BadASS Suzuki Denied and Broken!!! Rescue attempt by multiple ATV's watch in HD

Badass Sidekick with broken front differential rescued by Four ATV's with winches and snatch blocks! Full screen in HD watch!

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วันอังคารที่ 23 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

dogtownsc.com - Bo Chilton Snatch Grip Pulls From Blocks

Little Rock Catholic High senior and future Ouachita Baptist College Football player Bonner Chilton working up in weight doing explosive snatch grip pulls from blocks set at a height above his knees. Great for developing power and the ability to reach full extension of the hips, knees and ankles when jumping.

skeletool Car Ramps

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

13 JAN 09

In Video: Snatch Drill from Blocks: 115x3x3 Power Clean and Power Jerk: 130x3x3

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 14 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

85kg Muscle Snatch from low blocks

85kg Muscle Snatch from low blocks, 08/01/11. Nobody said Muscle Snatches were supposed to be pretty...

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วันอังคารที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

วันศุกร์ที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Tasers and Non-lethal Stun Weapons (emdt)

Electro-Muscular Disruption (EMD) Technology

Tasers Versus Stun Guns: Most people use the terms "Taser" and "Stun Gun" interchangeably. The difference between the two is more than the fact that one (Taser) shoots electrical probes, and the other (Stun Gun) works on contact. The technology employed by each is different and a Taser is not just a Stun Gun on a String as it is sometimes described. First, let me briefly rehash the physical differences. A Stun Gun is a contact weapon in which the electrical probes must be physically touched to your attacker's body. It works on a relatively simple principle by which some method is employed to take a very low input voltage (such as a basic 9-volt battery), and dramatically multiply it to produce a tremendous output voltage (while keeping the amperage output well below lethal levels). You can read about the different methods for doing this on my web site (http://www.snjselfdefense.com/stunmaster.htm), Wikipedia, or a number of other self defense sites on the Internet. The Taser on the other hand, is a stand-off weapon that shoots electrical probes which need to attach to the assailants clothing or skin. Tasers employ what is known as Electro-Muscular Disruption Technology (EMDT) in addition to a voltage step-up method. It is the EMDT that gives a Taser such incredible takedown power with only a (relatively) small voltage output. Simply stated, a Taser shoots, a Stun Gun does not, although nearly all Tasers have a contact Stun Gun built into them in case of a miss, a misfire, or the attacker is already too close to fire in the stand-off mode.

Stun Guns themselves are incredibly effective both as deterrents and in actual use. It has been my experience that normal people are just as terrified of the 80,000 volt Talon Mini as they are of the 975,000 volt Lithium Hot Shot. Just activating the stun gun for a .1 second demonstration scares the pants off of most anybody. The problem is that "normal people" aren't the ones out there raping, mugging, and purse snatching; hence the extreme voltage required to ensure stopping some monstrous, muscle bound nut case jacked up on Crystal Meth or PCP. Tony Montana soaking up round after round of small arms fire while "introducing his little friend" is a bit of a stretch but not that much of one, for a cocaine saturated madman. A stun gun's effectiveness increases with the amount of time it remains in contact with the attacker. So much electrical energy is dumped into an attacker's body, that neuromuscular connections are overwhelmed. This causes the muscles to do a phenomenal amount of work almost instantaneously, resulting in a rapid build up of lactic acid rendering the assailant incapable of controlling voluntary muscle movement. The best analogy I can think of (that I am familiar with) is how we use jamming to confuse and degrade the enemy's radar and communications in aerial combat.

Communications jamming: The purpose of both types of non-lethal stun weapons is to "jam" the electrical communications between the brain and muscles. If we look at it in terms of the military application of communications jamming, the analogy fits quite well. Noise jamming or area jamming is conducted when attempting to deny an entire spectrum such as say, VHF frequencies. A high powered signal is sent out covering the entire frequency spectrum with undecipherable noise. It is quite effective and all you hear on the radio is annoying static. The way to overcome noise jamming is to "out power" it, or in practical terms: A very powerful, highly focused single frequency signal can break through the noise. A Stun Gun operates on a similar principal. A huge amount of energy (voltage) in the 14-17 Watt range, blocks out and confuses the body's electrical signals from the brain to the muscles, and overwhelms them. Several factors such as pain tolerance, mental focus, body salinity, musculature and others, determine the amount of power required to totally overwhelm the neuromuscular system. That is why you hear "strange but true" stories of whacked out, drug crazed, maniacally focused individuals fighting through the stun gun's effects for longer than seems humanly possible. No one can fight it off for long, but it is difficult to maintain continuous probe contact with a wildly flailing attacker.

Pinpoint jamming: One way to dramatically increase jamming effectiveness is to pinpoint a specific frequency or very narrow band of frequencies. Less power out is required and some very interesting things can be done such as mimicking or manipulating a specific frequency to your own purposes. This is the the desired end result of Electro-Muscular Disruption Technology, and the reason a Taser is so effective with a voltage output of only 50,000 volts. There are several methods for manipulating and refining the targeted neuromuscular communication frequency band. In general, varying the voltage waveform or the Joule energy output are the most commonly employed. As far as I can tell, Stinger and Taser International are on the cutting edge of these new developments. There is a great test comparison video that you can find on the Internet buy searching for "Stinger Versus Taser Video" on any major search engine. The test was conducted by an independent outfit called CRT, and (just for full disclosure) funded by Taser International. You can judge the results for yourself (I am by nature skeptical of everything), but the one thing that is unmistakable, is the immediate effectiveness of the Taser. The electrical "jamming" output through the M-18 Taser (that I offer) leads, is in the specific 18-26 Watt range. It essentially overrides the neuromuscular connection and commands the muscles to full contraction. The subjects of the aforementioned experiment, repeatedly refer to the sensation as being immediately, and completely "locked up", the truth of which is clearly evidenced in the video. There is no time requirement for the Taser to "build up" effectiveness. The debilitating effects are immediate and last as long as electricity is being applied.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both Stun Guns and Tasers, the primary of which is cost. You can purchase a basic 80-100,000 volt stun gun for around 20 to 25 dollars with the most powerful lithium battery models running upwards of 75 to 80 dollars each. Tasers on the other hand, are in the hundreds of dollars range. You are going to have to pay for that cutting edge technology! Two other obvious advantages of the Taser are stand-off capability and instantaneous disabling force. Police forces use the Taser to subdue violent subjects immediately, while a cheaper Stun Gun is great for stunning the crap out of an assailant and getting out of the target area safely.

I hope that explanation makes sense. I welcome comments and suggestions from those with extensive expertise in this area.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 31 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The Lifestyle Implications of Excessive Head Sweating

Excessive head sweating is cause for great anguish and despair for a lot of people. They go overboard trying to conceal this sweaty little secret from friends, family and colleagues alike. Even though it is of no consequence at all and can hardly be called a treatment, people feel a great deal better if this condition remains hidden from others.

Excessive head sweating, known as facial hyperhidrosis in other words is a huge problem if you happen to be afflicted with this condition. One needs to understand that it raises a number of problems as well as being very noticeable to a slightly discerning individual.

Trying to prevent people from noticing the stream of sweat running down your face is not feasible. Especially a head which is swimming in sweat is particularly difficult to conceal from the public eye. The odour cannot be masked and it would be futile to attempt to hide any of the above.

This condition of facial hyperhidrosis or head sweating needs instant, effectual and long lasting treatment, preferably lasting forever. One does feel like the butt of all jokes and also becomes an object of ridicule for other people. To find an effectual and enduring solution to this problem, one must attack the ground source of the problem. Therefore it must not be a superficial attempt at solving the problem, which is just blocking head sweating. An underlying cause must be rooted out and the same has to be treated for a permanent end to the problem. By treating the symptoms, it will stop on its own.

Head sweating more often than not, results in physiological as well as psychological problems. A treatment plan that only targets the sweating and not the flagging self esteem is incomplete. You should be able to mitigate the sweating in addition to the certainty of not having to face it again. It should disappear with the reappearance of your confidence. However, this involves making an effort from your side as merely the desire to make it go away will not do.

Unfortunately, it hits the fairer sex harder than men as the former are usually accustomed to applying makeup. And it makes it virtually impossible thus resulting in loss of confidence and often they become victims of an inferiority complex. This is so because their sure fire method of looking beautiful is snatched away from them.

What really leads to excessive sweating? This question is not easy to answer as there is no simple explanation for it. A large number of reasons may be the cause of this condition. For examples hormonal disorders, hereditary problems, genetic influence and immediate topical factor can lead to head sweating. Thyroid is another cause for sweating. In case anyone in your immediate family or aunts, uncles or grandparents has this condition, you may be susceptible as well. Adolescence, excitement, stress, anxiety are other key aspects that may result in this problem.

The usual, run of the mill solutions for head sweating are hardly capable for putting an end to the problem as regards the bodily aspect let alone properly treating the psychological consequences. Treatments involving ointments, lotions, medical creams, antiperspirant sprays, Medications, drugs and surgery are not holistic.

Furthermore, complications arising from head sweating are heightened with misinformation and incomprehension of the condition. People who are obese are said to be more prone to excessive head sweating, although healthy and thin people may also suffer from it.


วันพุธที่ 27 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Loading a 60's model Allis Chalmers Dozer

Loading an old Allis Chalmers Dozer that no longer runs to haul off for scrap had a cable and double snatch blocks so the lighter trackhoe could pull it onto the trailor for all you proper peolple who dont know what a snatch block i'll try to look up the proper name of it!!

Car Ramps

วันเสาร์ที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Law Enforcement, Searches, Seizures, and the Right to Privacy

In 1789 James Madison proposed amendments to the U.S. Constitution before the United States Congress. These first ten amendments became law in 1791 when they were ratified by ¾ votes. They are now known as the Bill of Rights. These basic freedoms apply to all individuals in the United States regardless of citizenship. One of the key components of the Bill of Rights is the Fourth Amendment which provides the freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. One instrument we have in the United States to ensure our basic Fourth Amendment right is known as the exclusionary rule.

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วันอังคารที่ 19 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Number of Exercises in a Session

The number of exercises adopted with the aid of developing strength is established in practice empirically. In literature we have not found a reference to experimental work, connected to an investigation of this question. In the methodological literature, there is not a single opinion as to which number of exercises can be considered optimum for the development of strength.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 14 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Adidas Superstar – Performance, Quality and Elegance

Shoes weren't always such a big deal. There was a time when people wore shoes to protect their feet, and the thought of paying more than $100 for a pair of shoes was completely laughable. There was a time when popular culture had not yet gotten a grip on the lowly foot. Somewhere along the road, everything changed: shoes became coveted fashion pieces, popular and pricey design statements, and symbols of athletic prowess. Today, performance footwear has evolved into a culture in its own right, with celebrity endorsements and multimillion-dollar ad campaigns. Many popular brands are now household names, and consumers are willing to pay a premium for high-end sneakers.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

วันพุธที่ 6 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

145lb snatch from blocks

still learning, some improvement here from last vid. Weight is easy here just trying to get the hang of it.

Car Ramps decorative glass bowls

วันศุกร์ที่ 1 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

วันจันทร์ที่ 27 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 23 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 19 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

Hammer Lock from Full Guard

Hammer Lock submission from full guard. Impulse MMA Jerry Jones Ocean County New Jersey Children Grappling Videos Instructional Submissions NAGA BJJ Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Muay Thai Kickboxing Kids Grappling Catch Wrestling Triangle Choke Submission Wrestlingwww.impulsemma.com kickboxing grappling bjj Brazilian jiu ju jitsu jiu-jitsu kick boxing punch thai mixed martial arts mma ufc ultimate fighting championship pride IFL ultimate fighter jerry jones john graden david bybee frank shamrock chuck norris liddell gracie mike massenzio joe lewis mata napma naga tournament grapplers quest match teachers association kids karate tae kwon do tkd drill drills judo waretown toms river forked river NJ Barnegat Manahawkin Stafford little egg harbor Nutley nj new jersey kids jab cross overhand right hook to body uppercut upper cut focus pads mitts sparring games left hook thai kick straight right straight knee thai knee clinch full mount tap out nelson side mount escape roll guard half full butterfly head north south takedown take down single double sprawl arm bar hammer lock hammerlock reverse keylock key lock bearhug bear hug forearm fore arm snatch low leg headlock front fight stance fighter defense 1 2 3 4 stand up standup position full nelson pass catting out guillotine counter scoop class classroom movement knee kneebar pummel over and under plum tie up tie-up block blocks warmup warm-ups warm ups spin active standing ankle pick foot touch back backward backwards jump side sidekick ...

rat exterminator

วันอังคารที่ 14 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

What To Remember Upon Choosing Locksmith For Your Household?

One of the most disturbing thoughts, or perhaps previous experience, of any of us is home invasion. We all know home protection is a necessity this day and age. Occurrence of burglary, theft, home invasion and attempted break ins continue to grow. We all want that feeling of security in our own homes – so how can we protect ourselves, our families, our homes and our assets, and discourage criminals from considering our home for a break in?
Alarm systems often jump to mind first. They are definitely helpfully, especially ones with a loud siren, but should not be solely relied upon. Also, alarm systems can feel out of reach financially for many families. With a system or without, there is still much you can do to safety up your home. Be sure to put up the signs that show you have an alarm system. Many people put the signs and stickers up even if they do not have an alarm as a possible deterrent to thieves.
Consider replacing any hollow doors or doors with windows that connect to the outside. Hollow doors are easy to kick in, and windows are easy to break and reach through. Replace these with solid timber or metal doors. If you have sliding doors, ensure they have a secure lock. To further reinforce sliding doors, place a wood or steel pole in the track. This way if the lock is broken, the door can't be forced.
As a rule of thumb, keep your premises as well lit and visible as possible. Shadows and bushes are places burglars and would be thieves’ easy places to duck, hide, and approach your house without much notice. Light up your premises with small lights or motion detecting lights. Keep the foliage around your home short and well trimmed, and keep none that block the sight of windows.
A dog, although not a choice for everyone, can also make a good burglar alarm. Intruders do not often pick homes with dogs as they can cause a ruckus, which can attract unwanted attention. Not to mention the fear that the dog might be very territorial and wish to use the intruder as a chew toy.
Though it may seem common sense, not all of us lock our doors, windows and garages at night or when we go out. But it really ought to be done. Also, keep your curtains drawn at night and when you are not at home. Thieves target expensive, easily snatched items, so try not to let them see what they might like to grab.
Bars or grill work are beneficial for windows, especially basement windows that can have the easiest access. Keep nothing under or near your higher windows that can be climbed.
Lastly, it’s best to document your possessions in case a thief is one day successful. Take pictures, keep receipts, etc, and have these carefully stashed away, preferably off-site. And get to know your neighbors. Offer to keep an eye on suspicious activity around their homes in exchange for the same to your property.
Burglary can be a frightful breach on our personal privacy. We all want to do what we can to prevent an occurrence of robbery from ever happening. Use as many of these tips as you can to help protect your family, your possessions, and your privacy.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 10 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

Are You Really Interested In Losing Weight?

Obesity is a universal problem. Being overweight is the concern of many and so if you feel you are bulky than others, don't worry – you are not alone and have company. Overweight is certainly manageable and controllable – if only you understand the real facts about obesity and are determined to bring it to normalcy.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 6 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

200kg x 5 Back Squat & 140kg x 8 Jerk from blocks @79kg BW

200kg x 5 Back Squat & 140kg x 8 Jerk from blocks @79kg BW, 12/05/11.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 2 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

Watch Drive Angry 3D online for free

As the film before the Drive Crank Angry seeks directly to its target audience - trash-loving (mostly) men who happily subscribe to "so bad it's bloody brilliant" mantra. "Nicolas Cage, overacting, and block the blows? Sold! It's 3D? Even better!"
There is therefore no surprise that the role is the language Angry wedged firmly in cheek. Gleefully absurd plot (Cage escapes from Hell! Sports Car!), Nicolas Cage covers for his cheesy side with reckless abandon, and enough one liners and cheesy retorts to give Schwarzenegger's hard-on ("I thought you were dead!" You hoped was dead. "). Cage is a superbly silly form, enjoying his dialogue and play it directly in front of madness. Equally brilliant is William Fichtner as "accounting," a worker of Satan, whose task is to restore the Cage to hell, play quirky, sleek, nervous opponent, Fichtner clearly enjoy such over-the-top role.
But the film does not just rely on (above) to perform the laughs, the same has been invested in the individual set-pieces, slow-motion sex scene in Shoot-out (!) Really stand out. Cage, "I will never take off before the shooting" a prelude silliest scenes outside the straight-up spoof film in years. Without ruining the scene too much, it's hilariously stupid and not the least bit ashamed of themselves.
Also of special note of how well the 3D recovered. One of the genre lends itself to 3D really is a schlocky horror director Patrick Lussier who knows everything, having previously helmed a surprisingly enjoyable remake of My Bloody Valentine. What makes horror scary? (Or at least more entertaining?) When you jump off the screen. So when a supernatural action comedy from the bullets flying everywhere and explosions left right and center, it is wise to 3D, adding that instinctive "ducking" 3D face the bullets flying public will already winning formula.
"For all its unabashed silliness, Drive Angry is not its flaws, however. The plot, which the cult of the murder of Cage's daughter and the child's tendency to snatch a little confusing, not helped by a fairly flat performance of Billy Burke, a cult director Jonathan King, somewhat adrift in the film is dominated by Cage and Fichtner. Amber Heard is also the nature of Piper, who is described as a strong, ass-kicking woman, has derailed the movie is pretty clumsy corporate feminism and Piper, unfortunately, ends up being just a standard price of eye-candy. Later in the scene in which Cage's old friend (played by David Morse), whose purpose is to provide the background story, it feels completely tacked on and will only slow the breakneck pace of the third act otherwise.
Overall, however, Drive Angry ticks all the right boxes and provides intentionally ludicrous spectacle of a truly benefit from 3D, and delighting in the wonderful daftness. Spot turns Cage and Fichtner to really make the film, which is deliberately ridiculous, and all the better.
For more information visit

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วันเสาร์ที่ 28 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

วันอังคารที่ 24 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Shaun 110kg Snatch Off Blocks

Shaun clegg training for British Junior Weightlifting Championships in April ..

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Essay Writing Help

An essay may be formal or informal and it is a part of writing which is specialized for some assignment having bulk of information. It is hard to write a unique and well designed essay but doesn’t mean that no one can do it. Here you have some basic steps that you need to keep in mind.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Five Most Popular Classic Cars

Classic cars are a part of American culture, especially when you go with a domestic model that got its start in this country. These cars have withstood the test of time and continue to strut their stuff on the roadways today. You can find classics from all makes and models, but some are considered cooler than others. To find a classic car that will get noticed on the road, check out these five favorites. We also have a few shopping tips to help you find the best classic car for you.

1. The Ford Mustang

This car is cool all over, whether you opt for the convertible model or the fastback that is rapidly gaining popularity. The years to shop for in this classic car are generally 1965 and 1966, but you can also find some desirable selections in the 1995 Cobra and the 1965 GT. Cherry red with a white interior is the ideal style, but sexy black is another popular color.

2. The Chevrolet Chevelle

This muscle car is particularly popular in the 1968 Pro Street that was designed shorter and sportier. This car is all about power with a massive big-block engine and plenty of horsepower to boast about. Because this car is still in great demand, it can be easy to get a lemon if you are not careful. If you are in the market for a Chevelle, proceed with caution to ensure that you get your money's worth.

3. The Chevrolet Impala

Chevy is the car manufacturer with some of the best classic car potential, and the Impala is another example of that. The SS from 1962 is a brilliant combination of class and muscle, with the convertibles adding a sporting flair. If you go with this model, make sure you choose a car with hydraulic rams since this vehicle tends to run a little too low to the ground without them.

4. The VW Beetle

No, this car is not domestic, but the huge number of them on American roads would suggest otherwise. Did anyone else play the road trip game where you counted the number of beetles that you find on the road? Today, this model is still just as popular, with used cars getting snatched up almost as fast as the originals. The late sixty and early seventy models are in the highest demand, with the convertibles weighing in as a popular choice.

5. The Chevrolet Camaro

There are few things sexier than a Chevrolet Camaro, no matter what year model you choose. However, the designs from the late sixties are some of the most popular, with speed, handling and looks all taken into consideration. The popularity of the model has made it a bit hit or miss in the resale arena, so proceed with caution if you are in the market for one of these.

Classic cars are a fun way to drive with vintage style, and many of these models are still hot on the market today. Check out the resales in your area to find the classic car of your dreams.

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วันพุธที่ 11 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Search for Appetite Suppressant Ends at Acomplia

Every obese is willing to lose weight because there are many physical and psychological problems associated with obesity. Particularly, when your body mass index is 30 or more than that you are vulnerable to many worst diseases. Heart failure, brain stroke, kidney failure and bursting of liver are the some serious problems associated with obesity. Obesity usually leads to weakening of reflexes which snatches numerous opportunities because people generally want to deal only with an active person.

Balancing diet and doing appropriate amount of physical work can help in obesity. Only burning of calories in gym does not help as calories burnt in the gym are replaced by your food. Numerous obese find it difficult to have control over appetite; because once stomach is settled for a particular amount food reverting to lower amount becomes almost impossible. Forceful suppression of appetite can be harmful. In such a complicated condition, when appetite suppression is essential but cannot be done forcefully, an appetite suppressor can help a lot. An ideal appetite suppressor after its use brings your appetite to the desired level so that your metabolic system can easily burn fat present beneath your skin.

After the emergence of obesity as a big challenge, almost all drug manufacturing companies introduced appetite suppressors in the weight loss drug market. The efficacy of every drug is susceptible, but after arrival of Acomplia in the weight loss drug market things are pretty different. This medication is successful in curbing appetite in more than 90% people and in rest it has given significant results. Acomplia is an invention of Sanofi-Aventis of France.

Acomplia has high efficacy because of it unique working pattern. Its prime active ingredient Rimonabant is an endo-cannabinoid receptor type-1 (CB-1 receptor) blocker. CB-1 receptor is a part of nervous system and it sends the signals of hunger to brain. Once CB-1 receptor is blocked, you do not feel excessive urge for food. By blocking CB-1 receptor Acomplia also helps in cessation of urge for smoking.

This medication is an oral-prescription drug, whose sale is rolled out by Sanofi-Aventis recently in 7 European countries. Though easily available, but Acomplia should not be used without doctor's prescription. Generally doctors prescribe for 20mg of Acomplia swallowed with enough plain water daily before having breakfast. Overdosing Acomplia in any case is strictly forbidden. Do not crush, break or chew pill of this weight loss drug as it can be harmful.

Like any other allopathic medication, Acomplia may have some side-effects. The side-effects associated with Acomplia are mild and ephemeral like nausea, stomach disorder, dry mouth and dizziness. Moreover, these side effects occur in rare cases and generally disappear after the use of the medication for a few days.

Placing an online order for Acomplia brings this medication at your doorstep at a cheaper rate.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 7 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

วันอังคารที่ 3 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Increase My Vertical Jump - Solutions on ways to Increase Vertical Jump

When you don't have no doubt declared to extend my vertical jump." Whether it be because you are you are offended for not having the ability to block that shot or because you are just desiring to be a better player, accelerating vertical could be a major help.
A good vertical jump is a skill that is beneficial to every basketball player and one all of them want to develop. Dribbling a ball is significant but to be able to jump high to snatch a rebound, block a shot or slam dunk the ball are all things that will force you go from average to spectacular. It does take proper exercise, coaching and of practice.
No sense going into it blind. But finding the solution is the straightforward part. Working to attain the results was the hard part. Before then I had thought myself to be somewhat in shape but boy was I inaccurate. My leg muscles were so fat small wonder I wasn't very good at getting off the ground.
Now that I knew there was a need for change if I needed to extend my vertical jump, I wished to work on getting the results that I wanted. Jogging is a way which will work to help with an overall body fix. Jogging will not only work your leg muscles but it will also help your lungs. Lungs that will hold masses of air so you can play as long as you like is crucial. They do not need to weigh a lot, enough to make a bit of a difference.
Toe raises are an alternative way that I was able to increase my vertical jump.
Just remember when you're doing these, or any exercises, to not go overboard. Anything done punctiliously will give you way better results than someone who crush their bodies and ends up sore and unable to do anything.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 28 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Crawford Truck's Jerr-Dan Heavy Duty Wrecker Side Recovery System

The Jerr-dan side recovery system for heavy duty wreckers allows tow truck operators to get tough work done on the side.  This Jerrdan dominates even the most challenging jobs with the Jerr-Dan SRS. It can pull from multiple angles with the boom in pulling position, the SRS can pull from the the front, side or rear, and its patent pending Pivoting recovery Boom hydraulically pivots to allow recovery from either side.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Olympic Block Lifts

Cleans and Snatches performed from raised blocks in order to eliminate the Stretch Shortening Cycle and focus on more specific muscular strength and weak points.

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วันพุธที่ 20 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

95kg Power Snatch from low blocks

95kg Power Snatch from low blocks, 25/01/11.

Car Ramps

วันเสาร์ที่ 16 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Dr Mel Siff Talks Kettlebell Training

Member: Dr Siff, the information on the kettlebell training was informative. Many of the studies and techniques can be found in Pavel Tsatsouline's ‘The Russian Kettlebell Challenge.' I purchased a solid kettlebell (KB) from dragondoor.com after previously purchasing kettlebell handles from ironmind.com . The benefit of the handles is that weight can be added to any amount versus the fixed weight of the solid KBs (16 kg, 24 kg, and 32 kg).

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วันอังคารที่ 12 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

วันศุกร์ที่ 8 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

2 FEB 09 Workout

In Video: Snatch Drill from Planks: 125x3x3 Cleans from Blocks: 155x2x3

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วันจันทร์ที่ 4 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

90kg Muscle Snatch from low blocks

90kg Muscle Snatch from low blocks @80kg BW, 15/02/11.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 31 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

150kg Clean and Jerk @81.2kg BW

150kg Clean and Jerk @81.2kg BW, 22/01/11.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

170kg Jerk from blocks @79kg BW

170kg Jerk from blocks @79kg BW, 26/03/11.

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วันพุธที่ 23 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Modified Land Rover Discovery ditch crawling

Modified Land Rover Discovery ditch crawling in Lebanon. Accelerated video due to the extreme crawling ratio. Discovery Dino truggy, 1992. SPECS Engine: 4.2 V8i Jacob Electronics Energy Coil & Wire set Bosch 4-plug Spark plugs Kenlowe dual 13 HD electrical fans OMP cone filter Straight exhaust Brass plugs for cooling system Waterproof Distributor Kit GMC truck power steering pump Dual coolers for engine and transmission oils Electrical: 120 Ah alternator Dual Optima Yellow Top batteries (relocated to behind seats) Hella emergency electrical kill switch Waytek Wire Inc. switches Control Switch for Kenlowe fans, Lights, ARBs, etc Inside cabin LED lights Internal dual winch control switches Albright solenoids for dual winches Custom made lights f/r (Defender based) Drive Train: Land Rover ZF 4 speed automatic transmission Ashcroft Underdrive (2.69:1) Yukon 4.88 Toyota Rings & Pinions Dual RD23 ARB lockers with HD air-line kits Jack McNamara Custom 30 spline axles & flanges Longfield Cromolly 27 spline CVs ARB compressor Jack McNamara transfer box solid cross shaft Paragon Performance SS brake lines Breather lines for all components extended to top of cabin Magnetic differential drain plugs DBA slotted & cross-drilled zinc plated discs all round EBC Carbon-Kevlar brake pads Suspension: OME front 764s with N73 shocks & Rubber spring Isolator OME rear 762s with N29 shocks, custom bottom shock mounts, EE bottom retainers, custom rear kinked/lengthened trailing arm, RTE extended ...

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วันเสาร์ที่ 19 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Jake Endorses WMMA

Jake's STORM video produced for our Leadership Team. Jake Amati woodstock mixed martial arts wmma wmma.com schulenburg family young hong karate institute prostar pro-star grappling takedowns www.prostarmma.com kickboxing bjj brazilian jiu jitsu jiu-jitsu kick boxing punch thai mixed martial arts MMA UFC ultimate fighting championship pride IFL ultimate fighter kurt schulenburg carolyn schulenburg joe brignoli joey joseph jerry jones john graden david bybee frank shamrock chuck norris liddell bas rutten gracie mata teachers association kids taekwondo tkd drills woodstock illinois chicago kids jab cross overhand right hook to body uppercut upper cut focus pads mitts sparring games left hook thai kick straight right straight knee thai knee clinch full mount side mount escape roll guard half full butterfly head north south takedown take down single double sprawl arm bar hammer lock hammerlock reverse keylock key lock bearhug bear hug forearm fore arm snatch low leg headlock front fight stance fighter defense 1 2 3 4 stand up standup position full nelson pass catting out guillotine counter scoop class classroom movement knee kneebar pummel over and under plum tie up tie-up block blocks warmup warm-ups warm ups spin active standing ankle pick foot touch back backward backwards jump side sidekick hook front transition combo combination duck slip evade weave submission submissions www.martialartsteachers.com capping cap

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วันอังคารที่ 15 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Training 7-23-2008

Snatches from Blocks 65/3, 70/2x3 Squats

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วันศุกร์ที่ 11 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Snatch fr. blocks 84

Not bad with a current front sq of about 90! Please note how nicely colour co ordinated everything is!

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วันจันทร์ที่ 7 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

120kg Power Clean from low blocks

120kg Power Clean from low blocks, 08/01/11.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

90kg Power Snatch from low blocks

90kg Power Snatch from low blocks, 08/01/11.

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วันพุธที่ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Snatch Block Demo

This is a demonstration video of how our integrated, interlocking snatch blocks work. The video also includes a demonstration of our SVL-1000 swivel with an optional quick-release pin closure and redundant safety pin catch. You can see more details about these products and more at our website ( www.amcfx.com ) Music by Kevin MacLeod

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วันเสาร์ที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Lloyd Banks ft Akon & Eminem -- Celebrity (with lyrics)

Lloyd Banks ft Akon & Eminem -- Celebrity Lloyd Banks -- Celebrity Lyrics [Lloyd Banks] I just touched down, Ferrari to concrete I ain't even home and they're talking about me f-ck out my ear if you talking 'bout freedom n-gger Free don't pay the bills Im ballin' all out, b! You rappers don't know me Nah I ain't your homie If your name aint Em, Ferrari or Tony I like my wheel chromey My Bentley my Rolly My Magnum my forty South Jamaica shawty these losses I took in the gut yo the work's still here, I'm just cooking it up slow Clear my mind, you whippin' the truck load my Pop dead, but he live through his son though if rap aint work, I'll be pimpin' on some hoe Still eating lobster and shrimp in the Bungalow I'm back like crack over the drumroll You know, wherever I go the gun go [Akon - Chorus] We on the grind (hey) all the time (hey) ain't bout to let a n-gga come and snatch mine I keep a nine, you see the shine I might just let your ass slide this time While I get this paper, paper While I get this paper, paper Cause I'm a celebrity (I don't need none of y'all) Ghetto celebrity (Keep your punk-ass awards) I'm a celebrity (Take your fake smile off) Ghetto celebrity aint nothing changed n-gger [Lloyd Banks - Verse 2] The media will test ya, popularity is pressure Porche Panamera platinum hammer through the metal wreck the booth up, I'm too tough that inner city grammer lyrics courtesy of killerhiphop.com step your jewels up, they bruised up I'll sparkle for the camera ...

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วันจันทร์ที่ 14 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Mike Standing Tripple Jump (feet together) 9.65 meters


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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

86kg Muscle Snatch from low blocks

86kg Muscle Snatch from low blocks, 15/01/11.

Car Ramps

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

130K Clean

Hit 100/1 x4 on Snatch off Blocks 110/2, 120/2 x2, 125/2 x2, 130/1 B Sq 150/2 x4

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วันพุธที่ 2 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Get Moving - 8 Ways to Get More Active

I hear people say they want to be healthy by eating better but I don't hear them mentioning that they are going to become more active. First, you have to decide how you'll be more active and many stall at this process.

Let me share with you several ways to move more:

- Begin Slowly. When you make the decision to get active, start slow. Maybe 12-15 minutes with cardio. Don't overdo it doing 2 hours of cardio when you begin.

- Have Equipment, Will Travel. What I mean is, have proper running shoes, cross trainers and some basic gear. Have a pedometer, a pair of dumbbells, and a jump rope handy. Just by having the right equipment can motivate you to get active. Leave some tools in your car.

- What's Your Time Slot? Designate a time each day that you'll put in to exercise. Be committed to that block of time. With this schedule, be as consistent as possible.

- What's Your Alternative? This is a plan you should have for a back up plan. Let's say it raining outside, what will you do to replace your outdoor walking? Maybe you could walk indoors at the nearest mall. Do you have access of a gym? Have something set up.

- 30-Minute Rule. Commit to thirty minutes each day. This includes weekends. The activity could be a simple as walking the dog.

- Set Active Points. If you set up a point system for yourself. For example, each point or unit counts for 30 minutes block of time. When you complete 7 units or blocks each week, you'll give yourself a non-food reward. Find a way to track points.

- Enjoy Movement. Find the exercises you really love doing. This could mean taking a walk at a scenic route. This could be going to a dance group class or boot camp. Find the programs you really enjoy. Join an activity club.

- Have A Long Term Plan? You want to make sure you have a plan to do activities that you can do for years to come. This could be golf or a bowling hobby. This will help you keep the whole body active.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 29 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Kent Road Blk 54 Residental HDB - Fujitec Elevator

This is the "standard" Fujitec model that was once used in so many 25-floor HDB blocks throughout Singapore, including the one at Bukit Batok Park. Due to the number of floors, speed of the elevator and the lack of visibility, such elevators have a tendency to attract robberies. They have since almost been wiped out by the latest wave of Lift Upgrading Program, while some to an extend received another aesthetic facelift in the late 90s. Both programs included visible see-through windows to reduce crime and anti-social acts. Technical specifications : Floors served : 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25 Capacity : 8 persons/540kg Manufacturer : Fujitec Elevator History : Original manufacturer, refurbished

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วันอังคารที่ 25 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

วันศุกร์ที่ 21 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

วันจันทร์ที่ 17 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Mechanical Tools for Your Easier Work

In our daily life, there are many industries in which you may have to lift some heavy things. Under those circumstances, the applications of some basic technology can help you a lot. You are able to lift something that you can not carry with the help of some tools.

Pulley is one important mechanical tool. A pulley is a wheel with a grooved rim. A pulley mounted in a frame is called a block. A block containing a single pulley is called a single block; one with two pulleys a double block, and so forth. Two blocks properly threaded or "revved" with rope are called a block and tackle.

A single block offers no mechanical advantage to the lifter. You end up lifting the entire weight, and just changing the direction of pull. However, by adding another block to this arrangement and creating a "single and single" block and tackle, you can reduce the force needed to lift a load by half. Adding another pulley increases your mechanical advantage to 3:1. Place the block with the most pulleys at the top, to serve as the immobile or fixed block. This would enable you to lift a heavy load by applying less force. As more pulleys are added, the extra weight and length of rope needed may become a concern, even though making it possible to lift heavier loads.

Compact hand winches are designed for all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles, offer another possibility for attaching to the haul line. Tie off the winch to a tree. Depending on your system, use the cable or rope supplied with the winch as your main haul line or attach the cable to a nonslip loop in the haul line and tie off the haul rope to the tree before releasing it from the winch. With a very low gear ratio, winches allow very heavy weights to be lifted with ease. Portable pullers are also important devices that can be attached to the main haul line and used to lift the load in the air.

The above mentioned devices can help you to lift heavy loads off the ground. They have good performances and functions. But you should be sure that the rest of the suspension system can handle the weight and give some advance thought to how to safely lower the weight.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 13 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Owner Financing FAQ #2: How do I find profitable properties for Owner Financing?

www.OwnerFinancingAnswers.com In the popular "Owner Financing Answers" Series, Mike Watson answers Question #2 How do I find profitable properties for Owner Financing? About the Owner Financing Answers Series with Mike Watson This series will help you take advantage of incredibly low "Post-Bubble" real estate prices without "Help" from a Bank! Open the paper or turn on the TV and all the so-called "experts" agree: real estate is going down down down with no end in sight. You've probably been watching the prices drop month after month and thought "if I only had some money I'd go snatch up some of these drastically reduced homes!" You are right! With foreclosures and short sales abounding, everyone should be buying RIGHT NOW! Prices are incredibly low and higher rents are providing amazing cash flows. The only problem is that the shell-shocked banks won't touch you with a 10 foot pole without a 720+ FICO score and a 20%+ down payment. What if you could purchase property without a mortgage? I know this idea seems crazy on the surface, but just humor me for a moment as I ask the question that could change the course of your life forever... How many properties could you buy if you could secure unlimited financing without asking a bank or mortgage company for their funds? The question seems outrageous, I know, but only because you don't know that my partners and I are buying more "cash flow positive" properties than ever before... all without "help" from the bank! In fact, we ...

Car Ramps digital wall clocks

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

U-God - 10 Shell Shock - Golden Arms Redemption

Leatha Face] To my hard rocks, locked in cell blocks, never shell shock Melt the ox in your face, displaced in the penalty box My enemies heart pumps poisonous blood, your choice, the slugs You do dirt in the rain, than your name is mud Major love to thugs in the back of the clubs Strapped for what? TO avoid bein stuck and blazed up Laced up, struck from the waste up, embraced by the muts in the cut Bullets sizzle up, leave you fist fucked, intense cut From Leatha and Uey, verbal gymnast Volvo, physical fitness, over tracks leave statistics Tripped into the realm with chrome shines like sunlight Half of my life is right, the other half is a gun fight Uptight jake harassin for college satisfaction 101 question askin in back of the paddy wagon [U-God] Sadly, tragedy happen Lost in captivity, imagine me happily clappin Big barrels, heavy ammo, man the mammal Packed in commando, rapidly practice supreno Crack my fingers on pianos I torture you with orchestra tackle on your back, the jackel No time to react, combat, flyin scrap metal Kamikaze degrees, cherry instant fire, live wire Dunn, rock it til your knees drop, over tree tops Collosal current enforcin, outer bridge crossin One foot first, is the rebirth, the crime arson Caution, furnace flyin, deserters try to black ball us Over the face of the Earth's surface The heat is heatin up, demon from the east wing Hitman's bullet, leave you barely breathin and barely seein A critically blaze, biblical plague in amaze Riddle the ...

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วันพุธที่ 5 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Straight Outta Kilrogg (NWA - Straight Outta Compton Parody) WOW WARCRAFT

480p = BEST SOUND QUALITY :LYRICS: ------------ You are now about to witness the strength ... of Gravel Commin straight outta Kilrogg A crazy ret pally named Gravel yo I switched up I'm rollin with Clout yo When the raids on I got a big axe Sittin in the raid with a stack of fish snacks Pugs yellin man sayin they need a new back My homie Chow needs it but he got roll haxs'd He needs a new one He got a Sarth on Gilora come in took his cloak and be gone Pugs man if you try to out roll me The raid leader gonna have to get me off yo ass Cause thats how I'm raidin yo I'm having fun chillin with this new account yo Queuing up homies.. Who commin with me? We gonna show the alliance we run the BGs We lose man And I nerd rage I take my anger out on this Blood Elf Mage Try to gank me but you know you can't man Try to stun me I got hand of protection Gravel don't play with them fuckin Allys Piss me off and theres no more Pally The Priest is comming in dottin your fuckin face off We rollin up to Stormwind knockin blocks off If she can't do it I know that Clean can Shadow damage with them disco heals man Try to stun us And we disperse I'll get that rogue homie .... to snatch yo purse Try to mess with us we commin out the fog Like I told you boy we commin straight outta kilrogg

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วันเสาร์ที่ 1 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

What is the Difference Between a Body Lift and Suspension Lift?

When you want to lift your four wheel drive up you have two options. The first option is the more common, and is known as a suspension lift. This involves replacing the springs and shock absorbers currently in your vehicle with larger springs and shock absorbers. Most people will get a heavier duty set as well, to cope with driving on uneven terrain for hours at a time. The only issue with this type of lift is that if you go much more than 4 inches, you get a lot of sideways movement, especially when you go around a corner on the road. Your car no longer steers or brakes as well as it used to, and you get considerably more wind resistance.

The alternative then is a body lift. Many people prefer to lift the body and a the suspension, as lifting the body is done with solid blocks (meaning the car won't move sideways because of it). A body lift involves fitting little blocks (usually 2 inch) in between the body and the chassis. The bolts that hold the two together are replaced with longer ones and your car now sits 2 inches higher. The only issue is that everything attached to the chassis stays where it was originally; the radiator, bull bar, rear bar, sidesteps and anything else that was attached. You can move this up too, but it can be a lot of work.

Some vehicles don't require anything to be done after a the lifting of the car's body, but others may. A good combination to go with is a body lift and a suspension lift as you will limit the sway when going around corners. A body lift is much cheaper, but it means you still have the original suspension, which may need replacing anyway.

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