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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 27 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

5 Strategies for Stress Reduction for Nurses

Do you feel as if you are being stalked by a grizzly bear? Is your system always on high alert? Do you experience headaches, body aches, digestive distress, anxiety, or sleeplessness? The common culprit behind these symptoms could be... STRESS!

What are the stressors in your life? Do you have neck or low back pain from lifting and transporting patients? Do you feel pulled in different directions, trying to meet the needs of your patients and their doctors? Are you trying to get more done in less time? "Stress" has become such a common household word that we use it to describe everything from the rush of the morning commute to the hours of homework our children complete after their mandatory club soccer practices.

Stress is harmful because stress imbalances every hormone system in your body. To achieve optimum health and an ideal body composition, you must focus on regular stress management. When you experience a stressor, there are three phases to your response:
1) the stressful event,
2) your inner appraisal of it, and
3) your body's reaction.

The stress response is difficult to handle because once it begins, the mind has no control over it. Sitting in traffic or being criticized at work can trigger a stress response 'the "fight-or-flight" reaction ' that has no hope of being physically carried out, thus dissipating the hormones that create the body's call to action.

Although you may not be able to control the stressful event -- or your body's reaction to it -- your inner appraisal of it, the link between the event and your reaction, is up to you. The totally personal way in which you filter all events determines how stressful they are. Everyone has a different level of stress tolerance. What seems to create the greatest perceived threat in any given situation are these three factors: 1) lack of predictability, 2) lack of control, 3) lack of outlets for frustration.

5 Strategies to Manage Stress

1. Receive some bodywork. Massage therapy or chiropractic sessions can reduce the muscular and skeletal stress that result from tense, overwrought muscles. Caring for the physical body helps reset the emotional self as well.

2. Develop a practice of breath work. Breathing seems such a natural event; we often don't realize when our breath has become shallow and limited. When we breathe fully and deeply, expanding the air into the bottom of our lungs, we receive the full benefit of oxygenating our brain and body. Our brain is 2% of our body's weight and uses 20% of our body's oxygen! Lack of oxygen increases feelings of helplessness, fatigue, and uneasiness. Full, deep breaths help balance the nervous system.

3. Meditate. Make time once or twice a day to turn within and commune with the still small voice that is the "you" inside your physical body. Even if it is only for five minutes, turning your attention within can help reset your thoughts and feelings and refresh your perspective.

4. Exercise. Move your body! Walking, biking, swimming or dancing all get the blood moving, carrying fresh oxygen to all parts of your brain and body. The "fight or flight" response shared by humans and animals is extremely helpful when you are faced with physical danger, like that grizzly bear in the first paragraph. If the problem can be solved by "fighting," taking action to scare the bear away, or by "flight," running away so fast the bear can't harm you, the solution itself dissipates the stress and bodily functions return to normal. When stress is caused by a problem, situation, or condition that can't be solved through such a response, the impact extends for a longer period. Exercise helps dissipate the hormones that accumulate in the body when it is stressed.

5. Be here now. Keep your thoughts focused on the present moment. It is really all that you have. Fretting about past events or worrying about what may happen in the future both sap your ability to enjoy where you are right now. Reviewing the past and planning for the future are two abilities of higher reasoning that humans have that differentiate us from other mammals. Don't let circumstances take over your opportunity to see the gift that this moment brings you-that's why it's called the "present!"

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วันเสาร์ที่ 22 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

MMA How to Fall during a fight may determine the outcome Jerry Jones MMA Nutley NJ

Jerry Jones Ultimate Mixed Martial Arts, Nutley NJ 07110 MMA submission grappling Drills for children or adults, Jerry Jones Ultimate Martial Arts, Nutley NJ 07110, 973-662-9662 or www.Submit2no1.com, email at jjultimate@aol.com for a free class. Jerry Jones has been teaching MMA and Grappling since 1993 so we are hear to stay. We have produce many National and World Champions in submission grappling tournaments like NAGA World Championships, NAGA Nationals, NAGC, NAGA Battle at the Beach, and ADCC. Jerry was honored to receive, NAGA Instructor of the Year 2003. Jerry Jones Ultimate Mixed Martial Arts teach classes from tiny tots (potty trained) thru people into their seventies (also potty Trained ;o) - and have separate classes for age, ability and goals, from pro's to Joe's. Jerry Jones was awarded Instructor of the Year 2008 from Martial Arts Teacher's Association by president and founder John Graden, a student and world class fighter under the amazing Joe Lewis. Mr. Graden the founder of Napma and MATA appointed Jerry Jones to be on the MATA Advisory Board to help other school owners in the area of MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) and Grappling to be more competent in their techniques, the area of how to teach, safety, and Curriculum design. Jerry Jones teaches many school owners and students all over North America. Mrs. Jones is always demonstrating the proper technique and is also great at winning fights;) The Jones family of seven all train hard. We believe a family that ...

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วันอังคารที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Owner Financing FAQ #10: What is a good real estate investment with Owner Financing today?

www.OwnerFinancingAnswers.com. In the popular "Owner Financing Answers" Series, Mike Watson answers Question #10 What is a good real estate investment with Owner Financing today? This series will help you take advantage of incredibly low "Post-Bubble" real estate prices without "Help" from a Bank! Open the paper or turn on the TV and all the so-called "experts" agree: real estate is going down down down with no end in sight. You've probably been watching the prices drop month after month and thought "if I only had some money I'd go snatch up some of these drastically reduced homes!" You are right! With foreclosures and short sales abounding, everyone should be buying RIGHT NOW! Prices are incredibly low and higher rents are providing amazing cash flows. The only problem is that the shell-shocked banks won't touch you with a 10 foot pole without a 720+ FICO score and a 20%+ down payment. What if you could purchase property without a mortgage? I know this idea seems crazy on the surface, but just humor me for a moment as I ask the question that could change the course of your life forever... How many properties could you buy if you could secure unlimited financing without asking a bank or mortgage company for their funds? The question seems outrageous, I know, but only because you don't know that my partners and I are buying more "cash flow positive" properties than ever before... all without "help" from the bank! In fact, we are literally buying up whole blocks in ...

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วันศุกร์ที่ 14 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Are Ice Cream Truck Operators Background Checked in Your Neighborhood?

From blocks away you can hear the ice cream man's call. A warbled melody of "Turkey In The Straw," or some other musical oddity, crying out to children's ears. Within seconds a chorus of "ICE CREAM MAN! ICE CREAM MAN!" sounds. Kids throw down their baseball bats, climb out of pools, leap from the couch and race outside. The truck turns the corner. Kids panic. They rush back to their parents for coins or snatch money from piggy banks. Anything for a Big Stick, 50/50 Bar or Bomb Pop.

I remember those days.

Parents of my generation can look back upon the summer ritual of flagging down the ice cream man as a fond memory. A quarter bought a red, white and blue Bomb Pop. Ice cold to the touch, you tore the wrapper off, tossed it to the street, squealed in delight when your tongue momentarily stuck to icy goodness and smiled brightly as your lips turned a bright red or blue.

Mom or dad may have watched from a distance as you made your purchase. Most likely they didn't bother. They had nothing to fear. In those days everyone trusted the ice cream man.

Times change.

Struggling in an age of paranoia, parents today will march right out to the truck, make the purchase, eye the ice cream man with suspicion and keep their kids out of reach. Public perception of the ice cream man has turned sour. Perception is reality and every ice cream man is a potential pedophile. One need only look at the battered truck, peeling labels and smoke belching from an exhaust pipe.

Times change, indeed.

Recently, Tennessee lawmakers decided to study background checks for ice cream truck drivers over the summer. According to an article at CommercialAppeal.com there is need "to work out matters such as who should pay for the background checks, who should conduct them and penalties for violations."

Any employee of any company should go through a comprehensive background check that includes the following:

* Social Security Number Trace

* County Criminal Records Search

* Motor Vehicle Records Search

* Nationwide Background Check

* Sex Offender Registry check, both statewide and national

The same should hold true if the truck is operated as an independent contractor. Anyone that interacts with children in a potentially unsupervised way MUST be background checked. The legislature in Tennessee, or any state, should mandate a thorough background check as a part of the licensing process.

A thorough criminal background check as part of pre-employment screening or even post-hire screening is a low cost endeavor when compared to the incalculable human cost that could occur.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 10 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

How to Winch with 4 Wheel Parts.mp4

www.4WheelParts.com - Winching isn't just for vehicle recovery. Sometimes you need to move a log, rock, or other obstacle in your way. 4 Wheel Parts shows you how to winch successfully in a number of different scenarios. To get a winch for your next off-road trip, visit www.4WheelParts.com.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 7 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

City View - Los Angeles County, California

Comprised of 88 incorporated cities including Los Angeles, Long Beach, Burbank, Compton, Hollywood, Inglewood, and Beverly Hills, Los Angeles County (LA) is the most populous county in the United States. People from all walks of life and industry are drawn to work and play in LA. In addition to being the entertainment capital of the world, LA's allure is highlighted by a coastal ambiance offset by majestic hills, a desert inland and a bustling urban mecca.


From a long list of famous tourist attractions to simple but pleasant features like LA's Beverly Center (an eight-story mall), picturesque mountain views and beaches, and even poolside parties-where no one gets in the pool-local delicacies are enticing enough to convert visitors to residents. A surprising fact to note is that LA is home to a large number of Chicago natives all whom cite, "great weather" as the motive for becoming permanent residents. Speaking of the weather, except for the infrequency of rain, LA is likely the only U.S. county where one can experience all four seasons in the same day. As a result, in addition to pools and canopy lounges, heat lamps and outdoor fireplaces are staple venue fixtures.

'Tis true, even with eight interstates, LA freeway traffic is a beast. However, take comfort in knowing that MapQuest for LA is 99 percent accurate, which makes it easy to avoid the freeways altogether. Not so accurate are motorists who have no idea what to do when they spot a jaywalker. (Slamming on breaks is a no-no because that causes accidents.) Apparently, jaywalking is an enforced ticketable offense in LA. So, if habit compels you to chicken run to catch an appointment, think twice. Walking to the corner of each block and waiting for the light to flash green is a painful reminder of how much time jaywalking shaves off a commute. According to residents, an $85 fine is the quick cure for, "cutting corners." So is a $40 fine for not feeding the parking meters in Beverly Hills.

LA is a very popular trek for celebs that have to be in the city for one reason or the other-usually something music or film related. Spotting local and visiting celebs is easy to do. On one visit to LA, recording artist, Ronnie Devoe of New Edition fame was scene with wife, Shamari Fears during airport transit as was Atlanta mayor, Shirley Franklin. Hip-Hop artists, Lyfe Jennings (mall) and Chingy (hotel lobby) were also spotted and even made time for casual conversation. While Reverend Run of the group, Run DMC and Lamman Rucker (Why Did I Get Married?) were out-n-about for a local red carpet.

Just about every entertainment industry event in LA is preceded by a red carpet where local actors and executives especially tend to be quite amiable to posing for pictures. However, cover charges for celebrity-laden events can start at $75. If you're looking to do industry networking, estimate no more than a 10% return on investment. Getting people to follow up after an event in between scheduled productions is an art more than a science.

Going west? If so, Manhattan Beach is a cozy spot for beach lovers. Santa Monica is chill, Westwood is trendy, and Beverly Hills is upscale (No smoking in city limits please and be forewarned that parking rules are enforced by the second!).

Asking locals for restaurant referrals is always helpful. However, given sky-high prices for everything LA, it's economical to buy groceries during an extended stay and eat-out sparingly. Ralph's is owned by the same company as Kroger but as a brand is better matched to Publix or Dominick's. Fresh fruit and quality juices reign in abundance at Ralph's. The to-go section is very diverse and fit for travelers or just people on the go. Be sure to try the bakery's Italian crème cheese cake. It's exceptional.

For a genuine LA experience, try getting on the 405 (San Diego Freeway) just to see if you can get off in under five minutes. Also try finding a restaurant that offers sweet (versus iced) tea and macaroni and cheese on the same menu. Avoiding the two-minute snatch (having your vehicle ticketed and towed in record time) in downtown LA is definitely a skill worth mastering. The ultimate thing to do is to try to beat a crosswalk timer, which gives you all of 15 seconds to get your butt on a curb before the traffic light turns red. Depending on how wide an intersection is and when you start to cross, it's a hustle. Needless to say, the timer feature is something New York cab drivers would gladly appreciate.

For a metropolis with more metal than the Motor City and parking decks in every nook, parking fees are unnecessarily exorbitant. If you are amenable to walking, a pair of Timberlands, Air Force One's or Chuck Taylor's can certainly help you avoid parking woes. (The latter brand is an LA must-have.) Otherwise, save the stunna shades and dress shoes for curb service and bring plenty of cash for tips.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

100K Power Snatch Off Blocks

PR It is actually halfway between a power and squat snatch but was a solid lift. Will wait for what Ursula says to say for sure.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 2 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Find a Las Vegas Foreclosure Listing

Finding your dream foreclosure home in Las Vegas may present a challenge. There is a large amount of competition, ready to snatch up the best deals faster than you can say "Sam's Town". Many real estate professionals make a hefty income buying and selling foreclosed homes through out the year. Seeing as many forecloses sell for 80 to 50 cents on the dollar, it's no surprise there are so many investors interested in foreclosures in Las Vegas. So how can you gain an extra edge over your competition? How can you get your eyes on all of the delicious Las Vegas foreclosure deals before anyone else? The best and easiest technique is to check foreclosure listings as frequently as possible.

Foreclosure lists are usually provided on a free trial offer basis, after which you may choose to pay a subscription fee to continue having access to their foreclosure database service. Surf around on the internet and try to find some foreclosure listing services and check out their free trail offerings. If a site offers a free trail you have nothing to lose by giving it a go. See for yourself if the site is worth signing up for a full paid membership subscription.

A great way to locate free foreclosure listings of Las Vegas homes is to use a search engine. Free foreclosure listings in Las Vegas can sometimes be a little tricky to locate, but with some experimenting with search engines such as Google or Yahoo, you should be able to find what you're looking for. Try searching for the terms such as "list of foreclosed homes in Las Vegas" or "free foreclosure listings Las Vegas" you may be surprised by the vast abundance of free and free trial sites offering great lists on foreclosed Las Vegas properties.

Once you have found a free Las Vegas foreclosure listing that you are happy with, check it as often as you possibly can, as the best foreclosure deals usually won't last long. Just like the casino floor in Las Vegas, the foreclosure market takes a bit of skill and a lot of luck! Don't be afraid to use your imagination to locate the best foreclosures. Post ads in local online classifieds and in newspapers, expressing your interest in foreclosures. Talk to local real estate agents as banks will often come to these agents to quickly sell their foreclosed homes.

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