วันพุธที่ 28 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553
New Heavy Duty 35-ton Tow Truck 2009 Kenworth T800 Century 7035 35-ton Wrecker by Zip's
วันเสาร์ที่ 24 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553
Mad Dog Synthetic ATV Winch Rope.mov
วันอังคารที่ 20 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553
วันศุกร์ที่ 16 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553
snatch block in action
วันจันทร์ที่ 12 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553
Getting the Guy: Self-Esteem Trumps Pretty
Part of the reason we have difficulty attracting men who make us happy
is because we believe that such men don't really exist. We believe that
to attract a man we have to be the prettiest girl in the room, have the
biggest breasts on the block, the tightest abs, and so on. We must stay
on our toes to makes sure somebody prettier, smarter, or whatever
doesn't sneak up and snatch our man. It never ends.
And then, as we're minding our own business on the supermarket
check-out line, we glimpse a headline on a magazine cover: "Jessica's Hotter
Than Ever! How Can Nick Leave Her Now?" The subtext is, if a fox like
Jessica Simpson can't hold on to a man, what chance do the rest of us
Even if your tastes in literature run to feminist authors like Susan
Faludi and Noami Wolf over, say, periodicals like In Touch and The Star,
you're probably influenced by the negative messages we're fed by the
media. I know I was.
And the bad vibes don't only come from magazines and TV shows. Listen,
for instance, to the lyrics in your favorite songs. So many of of my
favorite female artists sing of being suicidal over the loss of a guy. A
lot of my favorite male artists sing about hurting women, hating women,
or running through them like pints of beer.
It's one thing to enjoy popular music, but be aware of the whacked-out
ideas it can weld into your brain if you're not paying attention: 1)
You're nothing without a guy, and 2) You're a disposable object that can
be easily replaced.
The next time you leave the house know this: You are one of a kind and
irreplaceable. There is only one you. You don't need a guy, but if
you're going to have one, he must love you for you (not your body parts,
your money, or your clothes). He must add value to your life.
Once you love yourself, really and truly love yourself (because of who
you are inside, as opposed to the fact that you just forked over $450
to have your teeth whitened), you will attract better men.
Good men definitely exist. But they want to be with a woman who values
and esteems herself. (Self-love trumps pretty every time!) Once you
become that woman, you will magically find yourself enjoying a happy,
angst-free relationship with a guy who's in it for the long term.
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553
Vacation Travel Tips - Tips For Safely Carrying Money and Avoiding Pickpockets
If you are planning a vacation, the easiest and safest method for carrying your money is simply to leave it in the bank and use your credit or debit card instead. This way you don't have to worry about losing your money or having it stolen. However, keep in mind that if you are traveling out of the country without cash, there is always the possibility that the ATM machine will "eat" the card and fail to return it to you. Another problem one international traveler had was withdrawing several hundred dollars from her account and not having the money come out of the machine. This could be a real problem if you are out of the country and without any ready cash.
It is common for thieves to hang out by the ATM machines waiting for a "tourist" to withdraw money. They then follow the person for a few blocks and rob them. So if you will be in a foreign country making use of the ATM machines be sure to exercise caution. Remember that some countries have the art of pickpocketing down to a science with purposeful and timed distractions, using fake falls by elderly people, cutting open purses, and other such things so be aware of your surroundings at all times.
There are many people who don't carry any plastic, and they prefer to have their money with them. That's fine, no problem, but you should take some precautions to be sure you don't find yourself devoid of any money in the middle of your trip.
Traveler's checks are always a good idea. You have a record of each check in case of problems.
If you are traveling with your family, a good idea is to divide the money up between all of you. I don't recommend keeping it all in one place just to be on the safe side. That way if somehow someone becomes separated from their money, all of it is not lost.
Another fairly safe method is to use a neck pouch. These are sold in travel stores and online, and as you would probably imagine, you just hang the money pouch around your neck. You could then tuck it inside your shirt or jacket to keep it out of sight.
Another idea is to place your cash in a plastic bag and keep it inside of your shoe. I read about someone using this method successfully and apparently you do get used to the feel of the plastic bag inside your shoe.
A money belt is another option. Keep the majority of the cash in the belt and leave some in your wallet so that you are not constantly having to go to the belt and alerting people as to the location of your money.
When waiting in line to board your plane, leave your passport, ID, wallet, money, et cetera inside your pocket or purse until you are asked to present your boarding pass at the end of the line. With all the distractions it would be easy for someone to snatch your stuff if you are just standing and holding everything in your hand.